
Montag, Oktober 30, 2006


HELP! I'm a tag victim!
Please note the rules.

Rules of this tag
1. Name the person who tagged you
2. 8 things about you
3. Tag 6 people

I was tagged by who is a young
blogger from India. I "found" her blog about 2 months ago.
After I read her blog, I thought, OK! "he" sounds nice enough
I'll pass a comment on "his" box.
What I didn't know at that stage, "he" happened to be the
good looking husband of Sigma....... Yes, you've guessed it, we had
a jolly good laugh at my silly and most embarrassing mistake.
Luckilly no harm was done , Sigma is a lovely young woman and I
will visit her blog as often as I can.

Ok, here goes, I'll give it my best shot.
1. I'm a Leo, I don't believe everything I read in
my daily horoscope, but I like to take a sneak peek whenever
I can.
I'm headstrong and stroppy, ( depends on the situation) with the
temper of a SA White Rhino.
Everything they say about the Leo personality is (almost) true, but
as far as being a leader is concerned - that doesn't apply to me. I don't
like shunting people around, I prefer having a good laugh and enjoy having
laughing people around me.
2. I am an orderly person, I can't live like a "messy" I will have a fit
and a half if and when I leave a pair of scissors in the drawer - but
when I look for it a day later
and it's done the disappearing trick. There should be a place
for everything.
It must be clean - where I eat my food or lay my head down to sleep.
3. I'm an easy going person - I live and let live, but I cannot tolerate
rude and unfair people.
When I was a much younger I was that shy, you had to make an appoint-
ment to speak to me (always cancelled all appointments in the end) and
today, you'll have a battle to get a word in edge ways.
4. I also cannot sit idle, everyday I'm up and down like a jo-jo, con-
stantly running around in circles BUT when there's extra time to
spare, I will sit down to my hobby - Crazy Patchwork !
I've always enjoyed needlework and embroidery, but crazy patchwork has
become an obsession and a passion with me (the only time I will SIT DOWN
and not run around in circles)

5. Years ago I used to do an awful lot of reading, nowadays time doesn't
allow, so, before I sit back with a good book, I will rather
take the needle and thread, ribbons and beads in hand.
6. After a hectic day of chasing my own tail and spinning up and
down like a jo-jo, I will enjoy sitting down to a GOOD movie
or a documentary film about animals or wildlife.
I love ALL animals, and could live happily ever after in the wilderness.
7. Here some "girly" info is required - The whole truth and nothing but
the truth!!!
I was born a tom-boy (it's got absolutely nothing to do with me, Mom dear-
ly wanted a Son)
When I was little, Mom dressed me in Khaki shorts and a shirt to match (I
am not joking) friends used to call at our house, asking if they could
play with "Johnny" - 'cause I told them that's my name (picture the
HORROR expression on my Mom's face) and afterwards I got a good
telling off for lying about my name!
I still don't like wearing a dress - feel more comfortable wearing
jeans or cargo pants, a hoody (hoooo) and a pair of hiking shoes.
8. I can keep secrets, and I am very honost and trustworthy
about money. I've often said to Girl-child, "You can leave all your
money with me, and collect it a year or 2 later, and you will find every
last cent!"
I also feel the same way about people's possessions, if they leave it in
my care, I will guard it like my own.

Sigma, this was indeed hard work - not so easy to talk
about one's self.

OK! Now here comes the fun part!
I also have to tag 6 people - and the winners are:

This has been great fun, and I would love to see all
the above mentioned bloggers play along -- but if you
feel you cannot or will not reveal all, not to worry, per-
haps another time, another place.

I would have liked to tag a few more people, but I was only
allowed 6 people - RULES *Sigh*

Let's Eat at the Annual Fair.

Basel's Annual Fair dates back to the 15th century.
The Annual Fair always starts 14 days before St. Martin's Day -
11November. At the stroke of noon on the Saturday before 30 October,
the traditional Fair Bells of St. Martin's Church rings to signal the start
of the event.
The amusement lasts for 14 days and people come from far and
wide to enjoy the brightly-lit fairground.
Years ago - in my teenage years - we used to go to the fun fair in a large
group and I've always managed to come up with a suitable
excuse (and got away with murder!) NOT to go on any of those crazy
Today, I make no bones about the fact that I'm dead scared to "enjoy"
the "thrills" of fun fair rides at HAIR-RAISING heights.
I don't have a fear of heights, and I'm not afraid of going in an
air-plane, on the contrary, I'm off for the ride as soon as the helicopter
comes my way.
But my biggest wish of all is to glide over the roof tops in an air-balloon!
Until such time, come along with me, and I'll show you something
just as nice!
Delicious Turkish honey! I cannot resist the smell and the taste of Roasted Almonds.
Shall we have some chocolate coated fruit on a stick?
If your stomach's roaring with hunger, let's go for the traditional
Cheese tartlets.

Perhaps something more exotic - something Asian!
How about something pretty to brighten the Winter months ahead!
Perhaps another time, I'll take good care of your personal belong-

ings down here.

Donnerstag, Oktober 26, 2006


When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what
it means.
There's a purpose to life's events, to teach you how to laugh
more or not to cry too hard.

A Pleasant Autumn Day.

When Fuji and I went for our daily walkies today, I came across this balcony -
showing off a few pots with beautiful Geraniums, and when I stood back
to take the picture, I noticed this old Landrover ( look at the map of Africa on the
side ) and parked right behind the old cruiser is this gorgeous little number.
Wouldn't you agree, this is the BOLD and the BEAUTIFUL ?

Looking at this, it's hard to believe we're into the Autumn season, but

I'm not complaining, I think it's worth a boast, because today we're en-

joying a temperature of 26°C - it actually feels much warmer.

Before we made our "leg warming rounds" - we spent some time in our

favourite secret garden across the road from where we live - the

Training College, and I took

a picture of this tree all dressed up in Autumn gear.

What a pity, these beautiful colours will soon be gone!

Mittwoch, Oktober 25, 2006


This is the latest addition in Swiss kitsch !
Certainly nothing for grumpies and fizzy morning moods.
I'm not a grumpy person when I wake up in the morning, but
how does the sound of Alphornblowers and Yodelers (Fink, this one's
for you!) appeal to you when you've just woken up? ? ?
That clock will be broken in two halves, and I'd go back to sleep, Haha!
As seen in our local newspaper.

Dienstag, Oktober 24, 2006

Sit Back & Have a Break !

My Dear old Grandma used to say, "More haste, less speed!"
I have so much buzzing around in my head, and so much I still
have to do before the day ends - but hey! How much buzzing can a
poor head take?!
With a steaming cuppa, I'm taking a break now to share a giggle with
you all.


Boil the hell out of it.






They take the psycho path.


Ugly sheep. (Disgusting!)


They're trying to get away from the noise.


Because they have big fingers.


Nacho cheese.



Anyone can roast beef.


Quatro sinko.


A nervous wreck.

I'm feeling a whole lot better now, I'm outta here, see ya tomorrow.

Montag, Oktober 23, 2006

Almost a Gonner !

This BLAUGLÖCKENBAUM (Bluebell tree) from China stands in a
park near the St. Alban Tor, where we spent some time yesterday.
A few weeks ago there was quite a story about this beautiful old
The Department of Parks and Recreation decided that the tree must
be removed from the park, but when the STADTGÄRTNER ( head
gardener or curator) saw the unusual growth habit of the old tree, he
simply refused to cut it down - THREE CHEERS TO THE MAN!!
Click on the picture for an even better view.

Sonntag, Oktober 22, 2006

Ancient History

The Saint Alban Tor is a former city gate in the ancient city of Basel
It is one of the three remaining gateways and is one of many attractions
in the city.
Saint Alban - Vorstadt is located to the east of Basel's old town.
Sights in this area include the collection of Caricatures and cartoons, the
Basel paper mill, and the museum of contemporary Art.

A pleasant walk among trees - it almost looks like a small forest

with a pond.

To find a flat here along the pond is extremely difficult as

well as extremely expensive.

What I found along the way was a small rusty coloured squirrel - I think

he was taking a catnap, because he sat ever so still, and allowed me

a picture.

Here is a picture of the restored medieval GALLICIAN paper mill

dated between 1284 and 1453.

The old paper mill is completely covered in moss, and not only did it

look old, but the entire area was filled with a smell to match.

A picture of the mill, taken from the opposite side.
An information board about the old mill, click on - perhaps you can see

some of the historical pictures of way back when.

Mr. CC suggested we move into this flat, and I can enjoy my first

morning coffee - with a view on the pond.

If you drink anything other than coffee here, you will end up

having a bath.

Samstag, Oktober 21, 2006

In The Purple Rain.

Seen along the road side in the city center of St. Louis, France.
I do believe this is the last of our Summer blooms, seen on the road,
when Fuji and I go WALKIES!

I don't know what these are called, but it's another( purple) favorite of mine.

In fact I see these purple berries mainly during the cold

Winter months. When all the leaves have fallen to the ground, the purple

berries stay put to the bare branches,

We were on the way to Germany this morning, when I asked Mr.CC

to stop the car, and give me the opportunity to take a picture of

these lovelies (strangely enough, the berries don't look so purple here)

Try clicking on the picture for a better view.

I spotted this bush only yesterday while on the road, walking the dog -

but unfortunately I didn't have the camera in my bag.

I seem to get caught every time!

Whenever I'm out on the road - and camera sits snugly at home, you

can bet your bottom Dollar, I'll see something of interest, but let me

drag it along on our walks, and camera gets a day off !

Freitag, Oktober 20, 2006

The Festival of Lights

On Saturday, worshippers throughout South Asia and around the
world will celebrate DIWALI, the Hindu festival of lights.
This period of rejoicing, which is also called DEEPAVALI, will
mark the victory of brightness over darkness and provide a time for
celebrants to reaffirm connections to loved ones.
This also gives me the opportunity to wish one of my readers a very HAPPY DIWALI and
enjoy the celebrations !

Have a Happy Friday !

Last night, while I lay thinking there, some WHATIFS crawled into my ear
and pranced and partied all night long and sang their same old WHATIF song:
WHATIF I'm dumb in school?
WHATIF they've closed the swimming pool?
WHATIF I get beat up?
WHATIF there's poison in my cup?
WHATIF I start to cry?
WHATIF I get sick and die?
WHATIF I flunk the test?
WHATIF green hair grows on my chest?
WHATIF nobody likes me?
WHATIF a bolt of lightning strikes me?
WHATIF I don't grow taller?
WHATIF my head starts getting smaller?
WHATIF the fish don't bite?
WHATIF the wind tears up my kite?
WHATIF they start a war?
WHATIF my parents get divorced?
WHATIF the bus is late?
WHATIF my teeth don't grow in straight?
WHATIF I tear my pants?
WHATIF I never learn to dance?
Everything seems well and then the night time WHATIF STRIKES AGAIN!
Shel Silverstein.

Mittwoch, Oktober 18, 2006


In a Paris hotel elevator:
Please leave your values at the front desk.
On the menu of a Swiss Restaurant:
Our wines leave you nothing to hope for.
In a clothing store:
Wonderful bargains for men with 16 and 17 necks.
In a Swiss mountain inn:
Special today - no ice cream.
In a Tacoma Washington men's clothing store:
15 men's wool suits - 100 Dollars - they won't last an hour.
In a Copenhagen airline ticket office:
We take your bags and send them in all directions.
In a New York Restaurant:
Customers who find our waitresses rude ought to see the manager.
In a Budapest Zoo:
Please do not feed the animals. If you have any suitable food, give it
to the guard on duty.
Spotted in a Safari park:
Elephants, please stay in your car.
Notice in Health food shop window:
Closed due to illness.
On a plumber's truck:
We repair what your husband fixed.
At an Optometrist's office:
If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the
right place.
In an office:
After tea break, staff should empty the teapot and stand upside
down on the draining board.

Dienstag, Oktober 17, 2006

Just One of Those Crazy Days

I haven't had a quiet moment to give blogging a thought today, al-
most immediately after I woke up this morning, I got cracking on
the laundry.

With the laundry safely out the way I sat down in front of the computer

enjoying my first cuppa of the day.

This is a regular occurrence - since I've become a computer junkie!

I was pleasantly surprised to see a few e-mails waiting to be read.

One mail in particular was a very funny letter from a dear "old"

friend, far away in South Africa.

Is it a coincidence when my friend writes about *cow puke in a tumble


especially on THE day when I'm doing my laundry ? ? ?

Next on my list was to check if anyone was so nice to leave a comment

on my blog, and then to have a look/see what other bloggers have to say

on their blog entries.

I also can't remember when last I placed a mail order, but yes I have

ordered something from one of the fashion catalogues - only last week!

The next on my "want to do list" was to wash my hair, but I was too

afraid to put my head under the water in case the postman

brings my parcel - rings on my doorbell -and I don't hear him!

That's something else I don't like about mail orders - you NEVER

know when they show up (you could end up with shampoo all over your

face - by the time you take the parcel from the man in grey)

I waited in vain for the parcel, but I still managed to get my hair


The clock was ticking away while I was running back and forth to get

the washing done - when the 'phone rang!

Lo and behold! It was the young Lady who lives next door to us!

I could not believe my ears when she said her name and asked if

she could bring her flat key around later this evening when she gets

home from work!

The central heating in her bedroom has given up the ghost, and a

workman will soon show up and look into the matter, but she needs

me to open the door for him - while she's away at work.

On a few occassions I have enjoyed a quick chat with my

neighbour - but until today - she's NEVER asked for my help.

Two years ago the Agency of this building decided it was time to

install new windows and canvas awnings for every tennant living

here. (It was 4 days of dirt and hell, to top it all, this was done 4 days

before Christmas, just imagine, with temps below freezing point, in

a flat with no windows)

While the new windows were installed, my

neighbour appeared and disappeared all through the day.

For the life of me, I don't know what came over her.

In fact, she was here a minute ago to hand over her flat key, and

I told her it would be my pleasure to help where I can.

When I thought it was safe to sit down to a little lunch - the

'phone rang again.

This time it was my girl-child.

Always a welcome caller, one can almost compare her 'phone

calls with a trip to the fun fair, by the time you reach home, you're

quite dizzy and befuzzled!

I think this child spent almost her entire lunch brake to chat and turn

my chaotic morning into an even further state of confusion - but I'm

not complaining, on the contrary, the KID keeps me on my toes.

After a conversation that lasted 1 1/2 hours, I ended the call by using

an amusing quote of a British blogger, "Oh well, back to my padded

cell, mustn't keep Napoleon waiting."

Can anyone blame me for enjoying the British humour ?

Montag, Oktober 16, 2006


There's a definate change in the weather - the Autumn chill is
So it's Brioche time again!
The dough has risen more than double in size, it doesn't look it, but
I have used a larger mixing bowl - the dough has risen and overflowed
in past attempts, when the mixing bowl is not big and deep enough.
Baked and ready to eat - sliced with butter and jam.


13 gr fresh yeast

80 gr sugar

90 ml water

2 eggs

250 gr flour, sifted

dash of salt

80 gr margarine

few drops of vanilla essence.

Mix a few teaspoons of sugar with the yeast, pour a little luke warm

water over that and leave until risen and frothy. Set aside.

Melt margarine over low heat. Remove from heat and add the rest of

the water. Leave to cool until lukewarm.

Add to yeast mixture and stirr well. Add the few drops of vanilla ess.

Add beaten eggs.

Sift flour and salt into bowl, and pour in the liquid.

Stirr mixture until blended, then beat well with wooden spoon.

Cover and leave in warm place until double in size, about 2 or 3 hours.

Pour risen batter into a well greased fluted 900ml brioche mould.

I have to replace my fluted mould, but you can also bake this in a

ball shaped glass dish.

Bake at 200°C for 10minutes, then reduce heat to 180°C and

continue baking for 20minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre

comes out clean.

Leave to cool before turning out.

I've been using this Brioche recipe for about 15 years now, and it's al-

ways a hit and a success.

I have only one complaint, it does the disappearing act, as soon as it

gets to the table !

Sonntag, Oktober 15, 2006


It's no secret how much the English value a pint of fine British ale

As for the German folk - they won't sit back patiently waiting for
the *OKTOBERFEST* to enjoy their Pilsner and Heineken beer.
Now the Irish loooove their beer! An Englishman, a Scotsman and an
Irishman walks into the b.......! I'd better get on with my story.
Living in South Africa and enjoying the glorious warm weather (for al-
most the best part of the year) there are always plenty of opportunities
to indulge in the pleasures of icy cold and frothy Lion Lager beer.
An evening around the campfire, a moonlit beach party, summer BBQ's
spent with family and friends, saturday afternoon with the blokes and
watching a Rugby match, without cracking a can would be unimaginable!
I'm going to stop right here - I'm getting homesick!!
As for Switzerland, well what can I say about people who enjoy beer at the
breakfast table!
Here is a list of countries by beer consumption per capita.
1 CZECH REPUBLIC 156.9 litres yearly
2 IRELAND 131.1
3 GERMANY 115.8
5 AUSTRIA 108.3
6 UK 99.0
13 USA 81.6
19 CANADA 68.3
Canadian beer is recognized as one of the safest in the world!
Note that Darwin, Australia has the higest beer consumption
of any city of the world at 230 Litres yearly!

So bear in mind the next time you're enjoying a pint or six,




Samstag, Oktober 14, 2006

Let's do the Mash potato, er.... Mushroom!

This is a Milk Bar on Route B-4 in Niedersachsen (Northern) Germany
what I like about this picture is the *Fliegenpiltz* also known as the
I would give (almost) anything to stumble across this mushroom in the
That pretty little white mushroom with the stunning bright red hat full
of little white dots!
It's magical, and everytime I see this mushroom, I think of Alice in
The Amanita Muscaria is widely regarded as toxic, but the woman in this
picture says she prepares these mushrooms in a way that reduces toxicity.
Boy oh boy, I wouldn't like to be her enemy. I mean to say, those mushies
are deadly!

This one I saw in France a few weeks ago, it looked like an

orange coloured bath sponge - on the pic it looks yellow-ish.

These are tightly nestled in a tree stump - seen last Sunday on our walk

in a nearby forest not far from home.

I almost stumbled and fell over these in the

same forest.

Here a small and a large mushroom sits happily together on the

edge of the little stream.

Freitag, Oktober 13, 2006


A Friday occurring on the 13th day of any month is considered to
be a day of bad luck in English speaking cultures around the globe.
The origin of the Friday 13th superstition has been linked to the belief
that there were 13 people at the LAST SUPPER of JESUS who was
crucified on Good Friday, but no evidence especially unlucky until the
19th Century. The number 13, however, has a long history of
association with ill-luck.
Despite superstition - I want to wish you one and all a very
Happy and a Lucky Friday the 13th !

The Edible Dress

Baker Valentyn Shtefano and his bride Viktoriya show off her
wedding gown, which Shtefano made out of flour, eggs sugar and
caramel in the Western Ukrainian city of Uuhhorod in Aug. 27 2006.
The dress made of 1,500 cream puffs and weighing 20 pounds - took
the 28 year old baker 2months to make, and by the end of the
wedding reception, bride Viktoriya said she didn't want to take
it off.
He got his job as a baker 6 years ago. Last year he took a 3 month
course in Paris and entered an international baking competition
with his sister, they made a 20foot long 1920 era Cadillac from
cream puffs and caramel, and took 3rd place.
Good thing I wasn't there, I would have overindulged my love for

Donnerstag, Oktober 12, 2006


What doesn't cost you any money ?
? ? ?

What do you have an almost endless supply of ?
? ? ?

What can you give away and still keep ?
? ? ?

What can change a bad day with a good one ?
? ? ?

What makes the giver feel as good as the receiver ?
? ? ?


Mittwoch, Oktober 11, 2006

What does your Birthdate mean !

Your Birthdate: August 21
You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature.Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas.People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life.You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone.
Your strength: Your thirst for adventure
Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures
Your power color: Hot pink
Your power symbol: Figure eight Mean?
What Does Your Birth Dateiv