
Donnerstag, April 24, 2008

Moving house!

I would love to tell you that I've moved into one of the houses on

this picture, but unfortunately I can't.

This beautiful picture was taken in Gold Hill, Shaftesbury, Dorset -


To appreciate the full picture, please click on.
My new address is
I've only moved my blog somewhere else, but I would still
like to move myself to that gorgeous scenery on the
picture above.
See you on the other side.

Dienstag, April 22, 2008

Rain rain go away, you're soaking me with depression! !
It's been raining in our corner of the world for days on end -
will it ever stop? Where is our Springtime?
OK, enough moaning for one blog entry, let's listen to

this golden oldie sung by Joe Armstrong, it kinda
leaves you feeling in a very good mood.
Enjoy - and always look on the bright side!

Montag, April 21, 2008

Lady Liberty

This image was taken at Camp Dodge in Iowa in the year 1918.
18,000 Officers and soldiers posed to form this human statue.

I have added a link below where you will read a little more about
This is an amazing achievement - let's face it, something like
this can easily compare with our modern day world !

Sonntag, April 20, 2008

Innocent Lamb ?

Don't believe a word ! !
Click on the pic and see why.


While the Master's away, this could happen - this could very well
be your sweet Fifi lying on the carpet - all passed out from drinking too
much booze while you're away, and not looking!
I think I must have a camera installed just to see what my Fuji gets
up to the moment I leave the house !! (snigger)

Freitag, April 18, 2008

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!

Donnerstag, April 17, 2008

The Tree Man!

At some or other time in our lives, each one of us had a nasty

little wart on our finger or hand, (Mom always said, touching

a frog, will give you warts, I clearly remember making

mud cakes, but playing with frogs - NO WAY JOSE!)

We cannot imagine the suffering this

poor man from Indonesia had to endure when the warts on

his fingers and hands kept on growing and growing!

These grotesque looking warts - weighing 2 kilos, is due to

the man's weakened immune system - diagnose by an American


We can only hope that once he's been freed from these horrid

things, he will be able to lead a normal life again!

I have copied a link, so if you want to see and hear more about

cases like these, just click onto

We are definately living in a very strange and surreal world!

Montag, April 14, 2008

How to annoy or please your neighbors.

Now that Monday is done and dusted, let's enjoy a little Tuesday nonsense.

Sit in your front lawn pointing a hairdryer at passing cars to
see if they slow down !

Mow your lawn with scissors !

Construct elaborate "crop circles" in your front lawn!

Switch your neighbor's lawn furniture with someone else's !

Wash and scrub the trees in your front lawn !

Mow your carpet ( preferably the neighbor's)

Vacuum your lawn !

Simply spread fertilizer on half your neighbor's lawn ! ! !

I found this on - and I used a few cheeky
garden lines.

Sonntag, April 13, 2008

A Blast from the Past !

No, this is not an oversized potatoe - it's a bomb! !
This little meany from the past - World War 2 - caused quite a
stirr in Stuttgart, Schlossgarten Germany on Saturday.

People were evacuated from their homes and taken to safer
places, while bomb experts deactivated the big boy!

Since 1946 more than 24,000 bombs were deactivated in
Baden-Württemberg, unfortunately 13 staff members of the bomb
squad lost their lives during the dangerous mission.

That's an awful lot of bombs in Germany!!

The saying goes "Where there's one snake, there are usually
Let's hope in this case - this was the last snake to be flattened!!

Freitag, April 11, 2008

Be Honost with yourself !

You Are 24% Evil
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
<>">How Evil Are You?

Guardian Angel on Duty!

Although it's not my intention, I'm beginning to sound/blog like a drama
Let me tell you of the near disaster that happened here at a train station
in an area called Möhlin in Switzerland.

A young Mother was waiting for the train to roll in - with her was her
6 month old baby in a pram.
When the train finally rushed into the station, the pram was tilt by the
speed of the train, and the baby was tossed out the safety of
the pram and landed in between the train rails ! ! !

According to the newspapers, the baby is alive and well and
escaped the tragedy with only a "bump !"

The Mother was hospitalized - due to the shock of the nightmare.

Strangely enough, when we left our beloved Fuji in the caring hands of
the people who have a dog kennel in Möhlin - before we went to SA for
our Son's wedding in November 2007, we went by train, instead of taking the

We were told to bring the dog to the kennel so she can "sniff out the
area!" before her stay, which we did, but getting back to the train
station, we had to walk down quite a number of steps, and at the bottom
end of the steps, was an alcove.

Before the train arrived I said to Mr. CC , I think we should stand in
the safety of the alcove because when the train speeds into the station,
one can almost feel yourself being knocked off
your feet, from the sheer speed of the great monster.

Eventhough we stood in that alcove, I could feel the strong breeze
of the passing train - it felt as if my hair was blown off my scalp!

Thank the alert angels for protecting the baby on that fateful day, and
as the Germans and the Swiss will say, it was
GLÜCK IM UNGLÜCK - the biggest luck in a badluck situation!!!

Dienstag, April 08, 2008

On a much sweeter Note

If you're a softy for anything sweet (like me) then you will most likely
drool over these pictures of the heavenly Turkish Delight, above.
This is a mouthful of pure bliss, and I couldn't resist it as a child.
As yet I haven't come across this yummy bit in Switzerland, but I
caught sight of something similar at our Autum Fair, although it was
labeled Turkish Delight, it was most definately not the same.
My thanks goes to Helen Morgan for this mouthwatering picture!

Then came Baklava, yet another, most unusual sweet treat.
This consists of a sweet nutty ingredient, nestling between a bottom and a
top layer of a syrupy and flakey dough - absolutely devine!
I was always under the impression that this sweet treat comes from
Greece, because as a child, Mom would buy a few slices from the Greek
shop on the corner.
Here in Switzerland we don't have many Greek citizens, but we have
many thousands of Turkish immigrants, and that's where I've discovered -
once again, after many years, the delicious Baklava.
I found these on Bettisue's Flickr pictures, thank you ! !

Come to think of it, if Turkish Delight or even Baklava was
served on that plane, we would have all been treated with
a sweet smile. (snigger)

Montag, April 07, 2008

Come fly with me !

On Friday morning I went downtown to reserve a seat on the
plane for myself, and this morning I had to go back to the travel
agency to pay for my ticket.
I will be leaving our town on the 25th June, and will arrive in London
Heathrow Airport about an hour and 45 minutes later.
Needless to say, I'm looking very forward to be on British soil again, and
I'll have about 6 hours to spend (and to enjoy the Queen's English to the
very last minute of my stay)
After that, I'll be on my way to South Africa to visit my good friend (and
her dear family) whom I haven't seen for the last 18 years!

This time I've decide to fly with the Eeenglish, because the staff on
the Turkish Airlines weren't a very friendly bunch of people.
To influence or insult anyone by saying this, is not my intention, but
a few passengers on that airline definately felt the abrupt mannerism
of the staff on board - without a joke, I was afraid to ask for a second
cup of coffee on that plane, I stood the chance of being thrown out of
the window by the male steward who walked the lanes serving the coffee.
Instead I asked for a small bottle of wine (which the moody guy didn't have
to serve) no, he just plonked the bottle down and moved on.
It was the best thing I did for the evening, because the wine went straight
to my head (thanks to the altitude) and for the rest of the evening I hardly
noticed the rudeness that the passenger in the seat in front of me had to put
up with !

Years ago when we flew from New York to South Africa (also with the same
airlines) we had havoc on that plane.
There were a couple of young Turkish guys who insisted on turning their radios
onto full volume, and no matter how nicely the stewardesses asked them to
please turn it down, they simply refused !

Then there were a few other guys who decided to throw hard boiled
eggs, from one isle to the other , at one another - geeez, we lived dangerously that
evening, one could get hit by a hardboiled at any stage!

So, as long as Naomi Campbell is not a passenger on the British plane, I really
should get to my destination in one piece (snigger!)

Mittwoch, April 02, 2008

Chaos in our town

At about 13.20 yesterday afternoon a city tram collided with a
bus carrying passengers from Italy, which caused the tram to derail
and fall over like the common cockroach.
I am happy to tell you that only 9 passengers were slightly injured
in this accident !
There was chaos on the streets , when they tried to lift the 20 ton tram
back onto the the rails.
Throughout the afternoon we heard the sound of police and ambulance
sirens, and we were wondering what the commotion was all about.
Although the accident didn't happen very far from where we live, I
am ever so glad I didn't venture into town yesterday -- what a nightmare !

Dienstag, April 01, 2008

Where's my suitcase ?

Since my fall on the street last Thursday I've been hanging around home -
mentally licking my wounds, Hooo boy, it really looked as if I've collided
with Mike Tyson.
The day after, I went into town, but if I was smart enough, I'd have stayed
at home.
I walked around with the lost & found Easter egg right below my
right eye ball - all swollen and red!
My top lip turned into an instant shade of purple & blue.
Thank goodness all my other cuts & bruises were invisible to the outside
world - people were staring shamelessly at my battered face - if only my aches and
pains weren't so severe - I received celeb treatment from the townfolk!
BUT, the embarrassment drove me out of town and back home, I just couldn't
stand seeing the pity in these strange faces - THE POOR WOMAN MUST

Don't forget an old Ginkgo tree is a tough piece of wood, and I'm doing
just fine!

Now what's with the lost and lonely bit of luggage on the top picture?
I want to know what's going on at the Heathrow Airport in England?
Can a new terminal cause such havoc on such a wellknown airport?
I believe there is a grand total of 28,000 suitcases lying around with-
out owners! !

I am planning another visit to South Africa within 3 months time from
now, and I have no intention of "losing" my bit 'o luggage again, geeez, the
disappointment is far too great.
The reason why I'm mentioning London here is because I will be flying
to Heathrow, and then take a connecting flight to SA.

At the beginning of Nov. 2007 we attended my Son's wedding in Johannes-
burg, but we
stayed for 2 weeks only, enough time to attend the wedding and spend some
quality time with the other "oldest" friend.
My "oldest" and dearest friend who lives in Cape Town was soul destroyed
that we didn't pay her a visit in the beautiful Cape.
But a wedding, and 2 weeks only, just didn't allow me to pop in for a
hallo and a cuppa strong Rooibos tea!

So, I'll be packing a few important items into a sports bag and tag it
along as hand luggage. This time I'll be playing it very safely!

If it isn't that "nutty as a fruitcake" guy by the name of Bin Laden
and his terrorist buddies who make our lives a misery, it's the staff
at famous Airports who have little control over people's personal be-
Well, they won't stop me from paying another visit to South Africa
but it sure takes the fun outta flying!!