
Montag, Oktober 29, 2007

Africa is calling

I have searched the internet for an appropriate picture for my blog story,

and I was just about throwing in the towel, when I came across this blog and found this sad but

delightful picture of a small African boy standing amidst parched
fields - due to severe drought.

This cartoon won the 2006 Ranan Lurie Award for editorial cartooning,

an international competition supported by the United Nations Corres-

pondents Association.

The title of the cartoon is "African Tsunami"

If you should stumble across my blog, please don't be too angry

with me for "stealing" your picture, I simply couldn't resist using it

for my blog entry.

Nevertheless, thank you very much Ed Darrell!

As many bloggers know, I'm a born and bred South African, and for many

silver rainfalls, red clouds and many many moon, I've been married to a

man who's hometown is Switzerland.

I like to call him "The last of the Mohicans" There's plenty more

living here, but I find him the nicest of the whole bunch!

I have spent the early years of my married life here in Switzerland, went

back home, but have once again returned to my husband's birthplace.

Since the day we arrived in Switzerland I haven't paid a single

visit to sunny South Africa since the day we arrived here - 13 years ago.

Unfortunately, my Son refused to join us - as he said at the time, and I


"My roots are in South Africa"

Sadly I had no choice but to except his decision, so, with sadness in my

heart and eyes tear stained I waved him goodbye!

Although my days and years were filled with great joy because I

had my daughter (girl child) safely at my side, my heart was always

half filled - as any Mother will feel when one of her children are absent.

Whenever my Son comes to Switzerland for a visit, it is like spending "Christ-

mas in July!" We enjoy every minute to the full!

So, to cut a looong story short, when my Son 'phoned me about

8 months ago telling me he was getting married - I was "Over the moon"

with joy, and ever since that telephone call, our household has been

something similar to the goings on in a hornets nest.

Well, my bikini's been released from "Pandoras box", and is now

packed into my luggage (Snigger)

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go!

We have but a handful of days still to sleep, then I will be home again!

This coming week I still have a few loose ends to tie, so I doubt if I will

find time to blog at all.

Providing I find a quiet moment or two, I will take a look-see

what everyone's up to.

So for now I wish you all happy blogging !

Goodbye, So long and Cheerio ! !

Freitag, Oktober 26, 2007

Tweety's prayer

At the best of times Tweety is a "goody two shoes", no wonder he goes

on poor ol' Sylvester's nerves (grin)

If you haven't been this good, don't worry too much, just


Montag, Oktober 22, 2007

Babies of the world

Different people - different cutures!

In the Inuit, babies are unfamiliar to diapers, instead

their Mothers use Moss to keep them fresh and clean!

These twins from the Mongollai don't know the soft comfortable feel

of a diaper on their bottoms, instead, their Mom will use dried

cowdung, how exactly, is still unknown to me, perhaps she will

rub it on their bottoms ? ? ? In China, diapers are unheard of, instead the baby wears trousers with

a slit in the center. Wow what about the jolly mess afterwards?

In Afghanistan, the baby's eyebrows and eyelids are painted

with kajal, their little bodies are also covered from top to

toe in a white powder to protect them from sweat and rash.

This little button on the picture is looking forward to his
milky supper, but the people from Himba in Kaokveld
will first bathe their newborn in the stomach of a killed
bovine animal.

Don't you agree - this must be the best babysitter you've ever seen?

The picture shows the baby strapped to a Yak.
One can only hope that nothing will frighten the animal and
cause a sudden stampede! ! ! !
It's very interesting to read about the different cultures of
our world, afterwards we'll say "Wow, they must be crazy to do those things"
But let's face it, if we were forced to live in "a different world" we'd do exactly
the same - and think nothing of it, simply because we don't know any
other way, but un-
thinkable in our modern lives.

Mittwoch, Oktober 17, 2007

It ain't what it seems.

What are these guys up to? Look again!

Sonntag, Oktober 14, 2007

Knights in shining armour ?

Before Winter arrives, we're still very lucky to enjoy some mellow days

and blue skies - so a stroll with the dog down to the Rhein was just the thing,

and it was quite a surprise to see this enormous castle on top of a ship on

the River Rhein.

I was expecting to see a few knights in shining armour, but no can do!

Instead I spotted a lonely horseback rider - but he looked more like a

Red Indian than a bloodlusty knight to me. (Click on the pic for a better

To lift the mystery, the castle on the water served as a
museum of days gone by when men were rugged and rough and
damsels were always in distress !

I don't think much have changed.....!

The large building in the far background is a multinational
pharmaceutical company.

The picture shows the city's second oldest bridge but recently
replaced by a new structure.

Have a peep at this

Donnerstag, Oktober 11, 2007

An awful lot of pumpkin!

What on earth did this man in California, Half Moon Bay do to

harvest such a giant size pumpkin?

This beauty weighs 691 kg (1,524 pounds)

The Local paper says you could cook pumpkin soup that feeds at least

100 persons -- never mind the pumpkin soup, I'll be enjoying

pumpkins prepared with cinnamon and brown sugar, pumpkin pie, pump-

kin fritters and pumpkins every day ! !

I have turned "pumpkin orange" with envy !

Montag, Oktober 08, 2007

Back in the land of the living.

Is Murphey on the loose, or is it a nasty little Gremlin at work -
Wish I knew!
I've been absent for about 10 days now all because my computer
decided to play havoc - I'm beginning to think computers don't
like me very much.
For the last few weeks I've been up to my eyelids in travel pre-
parations, and then the computer decides to strike - heck, doesn't
this ever end?!
Having a computer is a whole new ballgame - but it can be a nasty bit
o' works.
When we found a spare moment to restore the computer (over the week-
end) I have noticed that I've lost an awful lot of downloaded pictures
as well as very interesting addresses. Ah well,, all down to the Gremlin!!

Nevertheless, I feel like the cat who stole the double cream - because


Kind thanks to Devlyn for lending me her kitty photo.