
Montag, Oktober 30, 2006


HELP! I'm a tag victim!
Please note the rules.

Rules of this tag
1. Name the person who tagged you
2. 8 things about you
3. Tag 6 people

I was tagged by who is a young
blogger from India. I "found" her blog about 2 months ago.
After I read her blog, I thought, OK! "he" sounds nice enough
I'll pass a comment on "his" box.
What I didn't know at that stage, "he" happened to be the
good looking husband of Sigma....... Yes, you've guessed it, we had
a jolly good laugh at my silly and most embarrassing mistake.
Luckilly no harm was done , Sigma is a lovely young woman and I
will visit her blog as often as I can.

Ok, here goes, I'll give it my best shot.
1. I'm a Leo, I don't believe everything I read in
my daily horoscope, but I like to take a sneak peek whenever
I can.
I'm headstrong and stroppy, ( depends on the situation) with the
temper of a SA White Rhino.
Everything they say about the Leo personality is (almost) true, but
as far as being a leader is concerned - that doesn't apply to me. I don't
like shunting people around, I prefer having a good laugh and enjoy having
laughing people around me.
2. I am an orderly person, I can't live like a "messy" I will have a fit
and a half if and when I leave a pair of scissors in the drawer - but
when I look for it a day later
and it's done the disappearing trick. There should be a place
for everything.
It must be clean - where I eat my food or lay my head down to sleep.
3. I'm an easy going person - I live and let live, but I cannot tolerate
rude and unfair people.
When I was a much younger I was that shy, you had to make an appoint-
ment to speak to me (always cancelled all appointments in the end) and
today, you'll have a battle to get a word in edge ways.
4. I also cannot sit idle, everyday I'm up and down like a jo-jo, con-
stantly running around in circles BUT when there's extra time to
spare, I will sit down to my hobby - Crazy Patchwork !
I've always enjoyed needlework and embroidery, but crazy patchwork has
become an obsession and a passion with me (the only time I will SIT DOWN
and not run around in circles)

5. Years ago I used to do an awful lot of reading, nowadays time doesn't
allow, so, before I sit back with a good book, I will rather
take the needle and thread, ribbons and beads in hand.
6. After a hectic day of chasing my own tail and spinning up and
down like a jo-jo, I will enjoy sitting down to a GOOD movie
or a documentary film about animals or wildlife.
I love ALL animals, and could live happily ever after in the wilderness.
7. Here some "girly" info is required - The whole truth and nothing but
the truth!!!
I was born a tom-boy (it's got absolutely nothing to do with me, Mom dear-
ly wanted a Son)
When I was little, Mom dressed me in Khaki shorts and a shirt to match (I
am not joking) friends used to call at our house, asking if they could
play with "Johnny" - 'cause I told them that's my name (picture the
HORROR expression on my Mom's face) and afterwards I got a good
telling off for lying about my name!
I still don't like wearing a dress - feel more comfortable wearing
jeans or cargo pants, a hoody (hoooo) and a pair of hiking shoes.
8. I can keep secrets, and I am very honost and trustworthy
about money. I've often said to Girl-child, "You can leave all your
money with me, and collect it a year or 2 later, and you will find every
last cent!"
I also feel the same way about people's possessions, if they leave it in
my care, I will guard it like my own.

Sigma, this was indeed hard work - not so easy to talk
about one's self.

OK! Now here comes the fun part!
I also have to tag 6 people - and the winners are:

This has been great fun, and I would love to see all
the above mentioned bloggers play along -- but if you
feel you cannot or will not reveal all, not to worry, per-
haps another time, another place.

I would have liked to tag a few more people, but I was only
allowed 6 people - RULES *Sigh*


At 6:06 AM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Hey Ginco, thats not fair. I don't mind talking about myself but I just don't know 6 people now I can't use you and Fink. Besides my mum told me never to talk to strange taggers lol.
Give me a year and I'll put it all in a novel

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Alan said...

Thanks so attempt is here:

At 7:17 AM, Blogger Katt said...

8 more random things about me... you are making me work, girl!

PS: Note to Tom Hopwood - if you check out you can write a novel in November... which is tomorrow. :-)

At 7:51 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Yikes! I will have to think about this one.
I could almost cut and paste all your answers into mine, we are so alike it's scary.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Oh Tom, Don't be a pregnant goldfish, haahaha!!
Can't we bend the rules a little here? I won't tell if you don't!!
OK, I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait for that promised novel, :-)

Alan, thank you for doing the tag, and so swiftly! It's nice to know a little more about you, :-)

Katt, I'm waiting in great anticipation!!!

Keewee, I'm anxious to hear your version, :-)

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Bazza said...

Hi ginco, haven't been by for a while, been very busy. Thanks for tagging wifey, that's me off the computer for at least an hour!

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonym said...

LOL I know what you mean about the yo-yo thing, I have never been able to sit still in my life. My mother blames it on the electric shock she got when pregnant with me, - I just blame it on her she is a fidget too!

I do some patchwork too regular diamond variety usually. I have had 2 projects on the go for a while and not got very far with them.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Sigma said...

Thank you so much for the tag. And it is really really good to know more about you.
The rules of the tag are not actually hard and fast ... you can write any 8 things about yourself ... and you can tan tag as many people as you like ... so go ahead and tag more people if you want to :-))

At 1:10 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Bazza, I'll be here, just waiting to hear from Wifey - Did you say an hour? LOL!

Lillian, I'd rather receive some sort of punishment - but don't let me sit idle, :-)

Sigma, the pleasure was all mine - it was fun! :-)

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Tina Dray said...

will try to tag at the end of the week ginco!
Bazza keeps hogging the computer lol!

At 8:27 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hehehe...! I'll give it a go GC-san... ;) Not sure I can pass the tag on though...

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Thanks for that katt, I'll start right away :o)

At 3:54 PM, Blogger Ginco said...

Tina, tell Bazza to check the mushrooms while you get busy. :-)

Fink, leetle gincotree say tank yee to honorable Fink-san!!
No problemos Fink, Keewee also didn't tag anyone. :-)

At 6:10 AM, Blogger delhidreams said...

u were not the only one who mistook her for a he ;)
u've a nice blog here!
have fun these days...


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