
Donnerstag, April 17, 2008

The Tree Man!

At some or other time in our lives, each one of us had a nasty

little wart on our finger or hand, (Mom always said, touching

a frog, will give you warts, I clearly remember making

mud cakes, but playing with frogs - NO WAY JOSE!)

We cannot imagine the suffering this

poor man from Indonesia had to endure when the warts on

his fingers and hands kept on growing and growing!

These grotesque looking warts - weighing 2 kilos, is due to

the man's weakened immune system - diagnose by an American


We can only hope that once he's been freed from these horrid

things, he will be able to lead a normal life again!

I have copied a link, so if you want to see and hear more about

cases like these, just click onto

We are definately living in a very strange and surreal world!


At 5:46 AM, Blogger Kev Brown said...

There was a documentary on TV about this man last week, unfortunately I couldn't watch it because my stomach is too weak for such things! But your right, life for this fellow must be horrid!

At 6:27 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Kevin: I went green around the gills when I say this on YAHOO, and I can only hope he's much better after his surgery.
What baffles me is why do these things happen in countries like Indonesia ?

At 3:27 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I know it's horrendous for the poor guy but I keep wondering how he pees.

At 3:27 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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