
Freitag, September 29, 2006

I'm Back, but not Quite Awake.

Perhaps I should change my mind about that snooze! I am so dog tired, my dog Fuji is more energetic and alert than I am.
My girl-child fought like a cat to stay and visit a little longer - but duty
calls and I could convince her to go back home, so last night I accompanied
her to the train station so she could go back to Zürich where she lives and
Whenever we get together for visits, we have a great time together - laughing
without stopping!
That kid's always ready for a laugh, and beware when she opens her mouth
to speak, you can be sure it's going to rock you until your sides are aching.
The girl is a clown and I'm still trying to work out from where did she
inherit those genes !
So, before I make any spelling mistakes here, due to lack of sleep,
I will rest me weary bones, and lay down me sleepy head for a wee
cat nap (but cats will first sprout wings and take flight before I could
get down to daytime napping)
I will be back with more news about the events of our past 4 days!
My girl-child provided the laughter here, but the nightmare was caused by
an overly careful and concerned Doctor!

Montag, September 25, 2006

See You Soon!

For the next 3 days I'll be doing the same as the little frog on the pic.
Sitting tight!!
My girl-child will be spending some time here with us
I'm looking forward to her visit, but blogging will be out of the
question, because between the two of us, we will talk the hind
legs off a donkey.
BUT - I will be back by Friday!

Sonntag, September 24, 2006

One Last Time.

Just look at the pumpkin choir boys singing their farewell to the last
of the Summer sun!
I couldn't resist paying one last visit to the Pumpkin
Paradise this afternoon. I honostly don't have room for all
the pumpkins in my kitchen, but it will be the final batch
untill next year.
Underneath the wagon (packed full with pumpkins) I spotted ONE
lost and forlorn little mushroom.
What a palaver it was to take this picture, because this little guy was
standing in a very dangerous spot, people were drumming around the
wagon, looking at the pumpkins, and I had eyes only for the little mushroom
(my pumpkins were safely deposited in the boot of the car, but now my
attention was focused on my new victim - the mushroom!!
Everytime I wanted to take a picture, someone stepped in front of me
threatening to trample the little mushroom!
Eventually Mr.CC took charge by taking the camera.
He wormed his way through the people's legs and took a few shots,
I was giggling that much, but I was also petrified he'd get trampled in
the process OR someone was going to fall over the man on the ground.

One of the few little garden houses, note the Sunflowers in the background.

The Sunflowers I photographed last time, are all gone !

The last of the lovely Cosmos flowers.

I remember seeing these flowers along the roadside in South Africa,


around the beginning of Autumn.

Last night we had some rainfall, so the forests are soaking wet, but I

had to take a little peep into the forest because the sound of birds

in here was something incredible today - a truly beautiful and peaceful


This is the Restaurant *Spitzwald* Someone must have celebrated a birth-

day, because a group of men were singing and yodeling away.

I thought the old plow was rather interesting, so I made my way

outside to take one last pic for the day.

Samstag, September 23, 2006

The Old and the New.

Every now and again we need to chill out on a Saturday morning, so
instead of runing from dot A to dot B doing food shopping OR doing odd
jobs in and around our living quarters - we drove ourselves out of
Switzerland and into Germany brite and early this morning.
Although we're still enjoying pleasant warm temperatures, I decided
it was time I shopped for a new Winter coat (I don't want to get
caught when the weather suddenly changes to minus degrees)
Luck was on my side and I found just the car coat I was searching
for, after that we went to our favorite little Bakery Restaurant for
brunch (shopping for clothes always gives me a healthy appetite
and a thirst to match)
We made ourselves comfortable at a table right on the sidewalk, and
by the time I had finished drinking my coffee, I could swear I caught my-
self a first class Autumn tan, the sun was beaming down my back and on my
When the weather's this lovely here in Europe, we simply have to enjoy
every given moment.
Before driving back home we cruised the area in search of something unusual
and of blogging interest.
A few old and new house caught my eye - still showing off their beautiful
Summer Blooms.
This is an old pre-war house, the date shows 1939 (not on pic)
Another old one showing off a bit of grape vine.

Obviously a very new house, there are Geraniums growing every where,

I would have loved to take anothe pic of this house, but I was afraid the

owner might come after me, so I took a pic and made a fast gettaway.

This is a very new block of flats or Apartments, with colorful flowers every


For some reason the German flats are far larger compaired to the flats here

in Switzerland, OH! to enjoy all that space, I can't swing a cat in my flat.

Freitag, September 22, 2006


To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there
is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts expressed,
that can make life a garden.
*Johann Wolfgang von Goethe*

Donnerstag, September 21, 2006

I Spy With My Little Eye

Pooch and I walked a different direction at "walkies time" and
I noticed this old dilapidated house on the way - once again, this old
house looks a lot worse than the picture shows. (click on the pic)

Another old building, but not half as shabby as the grey house, thanks

to a mellow Autumn, the Geraniums are still in full bloom.

Some Swiss windows are pretty "dressed up" but when I see a window

with pretty curtains, I usually don't have my camera at hand.

I also saw this in a garden, but I behaved myself by placing my

hands deep inside

my pockets (very tempting pumpkin just sitting there. )

Mittwoch, September 20, 2006

Ol' Big Mouth.

Seen in our local newspaper.

Do you think this daring Swiss guy could compete with Mick
Jagger or even Aero Smith?
264 drinking straws went into his mouth, during the World
Records Day in Vienna (Austria)
Rather him than me, I'd be sick as a dog.
Well, he made it into the Quiness Book of Records, the things
some people won't do for fame!!

Dienstag, September 19, 2006

Some Real Answer Phone Messages

Some years ago I misdialed a telephone number, and instead of hearing
a familiar voice on the other end of the line, I was mesmerized by a
soothing female voice saying something like this:
Hallo, I am the house angel, this lovely family isn't home right now,
they're out enjoying themselves with friends, my sister, also an angel
is looking out for them while they're away from home.
I don't remember the rest of that strange yet lovely message, and it was im-
possible to get back for a re-run of what else she had to say.

* * * * * * * * * *

Here a few more strange answer phone messages.

Hello, caller number 9, you're on the air.

You're dazed, bewildered, trapped in a world without time, where

sound collides with color and shadows explode. You see a signpost

up ahead...this is no ordinary telephone answering device.....

you have reached, "The Twilight Phone."

(In a bored voice;) Heaven, God speaking.......!

Lucifer speaking, who the hell do you want?

Hi, this is John. If you are the phone company I

already sent you the money. If you are my parents, please

send money. If you are my financial aid institution, you don't

lend me enough money. If you are my friends, you owe me money.

If you are a female, don't worry, I have plenty of money.

Now I lay me down to sleep; please leave a message after the beep.

If I die before I wake, don't forget to erase the tape.

Montag, September 18, 2006

Real Notes to British Milkmen

Dear Milkman, I've just had a baby, please leave another.

Please leave an extra pint of paralysed milk.

Milkman, please close the gate behind you, because the birds keep
pecking the tops of the milk.

Milkman, could I have a loaf, but no bread today?

Please cancel milk, I have nothing coming into the house but 2 sons
on the dole.

Sorry not to have paid your bill before, but my wife had a baby
and I've been carrying it around for weeks.

When you leave my milk, knock on my bedroom window and wake
me because I want you to give me a hand to turn the mattress.

My daughter says she wants a milkshake, do you do it before you
deliver, or do I have to shake the bottle?

Milk is needed for the baby, father is unable to supply it, from now on
leave 2 pints every other day, and 1 pint on the days inbetween, ex-
cept Wednesday and Saturday when I don't want any milk.

My back door is open, please put milk in the fridge, get money out
of cup in drawer and leave change on kitchen table in pence be-
cause we want to play Bingo tonight.

Please leave no milk today, when I say today I mean tomorrow
for I wrote this note yesterday.

When you leave the milk, please leave the coal on the boiler, let the
dog out and put the newspaper inside the screendoor.
PS. Don't leave any milk. No milk!

Reaching for the Stars ?

Seen outside a large shopping Mall in Strassbourg, I can't say the Lady of
steel is walking the tightrope
because this is a very thick steel pole, we stood below, looking up at
the strange sight, the pole was that long, it was heading for the clouds !
The sky looked very angry, and we thought we'd have to run for
cover, but a 1/2 hour later the sun was shining - perhaps the daring
young woman had some influence there.
But, this is what our skies looks like today - and yesterday!
The other night we were awakened by bright flashes of
lightning and the very loud rumbling of thunder which followed
straight afterwards.
Then it started raining heavily, so I jumped out of bed to shut
most of my open windows.
By the time I reached the living room, the hail balls came crashing
down, with only one aim!! !!
Smash all the windows while we're at it and the going's good!
Luckily no serious damage was done to windows or to parked cars
in the street below - Phew! Ours included!
Another thing I miss about living in a house, your own garage!!!

Samstag, September 16, 2006

Couch Potato ?

This could have been a very good option, but I didn't do quite the
same as this lazy mutt's doing here.
I felt like doing just that, but, my radar antenna sends out high-powered bursts
of energy, I guess it's not in my nature to chill out on the soft couch!
Instead we went to visit IKEA.
I received a 10 Swiss Francs voucher from Ikea only last week, so
we set off to see what the good shop has to offer, but voucher or
no voucher, going to Ikea is always a treat.
The Swedish Company should supply roller scates to all customers
because our poor aching feet get a lot of mileage, and a 100%
chance of developing corns (ouch)
But the people of Ikea thought of our aching feet (not in the form of
roller scates) but in the line of soft and comfy seats to rest our weary
bones, and -
drinks a plenty, for those people spitting dust!
Not to mention the hotdog (and other) quick snacks - for growling
tummies - I doubt it if you'll find fast food anywhere other than
Ikea for soooooo inexpensive.
To top it all, my purchases cost me 10 Francs less - thanks to the voucher!

Freitag, September 15, 2006

Quick and Easy for Friday Night.

200gr flour
2 level teaspoons baking powder
grated rind of 1 lemon
70gr margarine
pinch of salt
2 large apples , peeled and cut into small pieces
1 handful raisins
1 handful chopped nuts
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg, and 1/2 teaspoon mixed spices
In a mixing bowl place the flour, salt baking powder and lemon rind,
now add the margarine and mix (with fingertips) until it
resembles fine bread crumbs.
Add a little milk to the flour and marg. mixture.
Work to a smooth dough. Place in fridge for 1 hour to rest.
Peel and cut the apples in small pieces, add the raisins and a
the juice of 1/2 orange.
Bring the apples to a boil, I like to add 1 tablespoon honey to the apples.
Add the spices, let it all simmer for about 10 minutes.
Remove from heat.
Role out the dough in an oblong form and cover the raw dough
with 1 tablespoon of honey.
Spread the cooked apple mixture onto the dough, sprinkle the nuts
over the apples.
Gently roll up the dough with apples on it.
Twist the form into a circle.
Brush the dough with milk and cut a few slices into the ring.
Bake in the middle of a preheated oven for 30 to 35 mins.
Combine 2 tablespoons of icing sugar with a little milk and
dribble over the baked and cooled apple ring.
This is quick and easy - and always good!!



You must not lose faith in humanity.
Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty,
the ocean does not become dirty.
Mahatma Gandi.

Donnerstag, September 14, 2006

Yes, We Have Bananas !

Did you know ?
Bananas are good, very good for you.

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people
suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana.
This is because bananas contain TRYPTOPHAN a type of protein that
the body converts into Serotonin, known to make you relax, improve
your mood and generally make you feel happier. (TRYPTOPHAN the
trigger for seretonin to help you sleep is also in milk and is the reason
some find a glass of warm milk at night relaxes them.

Forget the pills - eat a banana, the vitamin B6 it contains
regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin
in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.
This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet
low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the
US Food & Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry
to make official claims for the fruits ability to reduce the risk of
blood pressure and stroke.
High in fibre, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal
bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting
to laxatives.
One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana
milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach
and with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels,
while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from
heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar
levels up and avoid morning sickness.
Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area
with the inside of a banana skin.
Bananas are high in B vitamins that help the nervous system.
Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking, the B6 B12
they contain as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them,
help the nody recover from effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to kill off a
wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on the wart, with the
yellow side out, carefully hold the skin with a plaster or surgical tape.
So a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills.

Mittwoch, September 13, 2006

Innocent Teddy Bears?

I have a small shopping bag, given to me by my Girl-child when
she visited London City last year. (Mine is very similar to the pic
above, but instead of dogs, I have teddy bears on my bag)
So this afternoon we took off to Germany and I schlepped the
teddy bag along for an outing.
It was getting late, so we decided to leave the store. As we set foot
through the Anti-theft gates, we were stalled in our tracks by a
blood chilling sound.
Shop assistants came charging, preventing us from leaving
the store.
Within seconds the store manager was standing wide legged before
us, looking as mean as John Wayne in those Western Movies.
He demanded a shopping bag search - on the double !
I was taken totally by surprise, and because I had nothing to
hide, I practically shoved my beloved London teddy bag into
his outstretched hands.
I've never been so embarrassed in my life before - every single
shopper stopped in their tracks to have a better look at us.
I felt like a MOST WANTED criminal, interrogated by the FBI !
It turned out that my little bag from Harrods was not deactivated,
and only after the bag was decoded by the store manager, could we
leave the store.
The good man's apology did not ease my embarrassment, nor
did it alter the colour of our faces !

Dienstag, September 12, 2006


I was out on the street walking Fuji when my eye caught this Add.
When this happens, it's time for a new pair of glasses.
I'd love to hear what the Guy wearing the White smoking jacket
has to say about this!

Sonntag, September 10, 2006

Guess What's for Dinner?

Last Autumn we took a drive into the country side here in Swit-
zerland, and along the road I spotted a sign *Pumpkin Paradise*
We parked the car and walked down the farm road to see what it
was all about. When I saw all the pumpkins for sale - I could have
jumped for joy, in fact I would have started yodeling, but I had no
intention of scaring away the other pumpkin seekers.
I love pumpkins, but can't always find it in the supermarket, and
when you do - it'll cost you an arm and a legg.
Pumpkins of all shapes and sizes are always available in South-
Africa (perhaps it's due to our healthy climate) But I am aware of one fact,
Swiss people don't really care so much for the good veggie.
On many occasions I've also been questioned about the preparation
of a pumpkin.
There's just no great demand for it here .
Note the Ladies shopping for tiny deformed little pumpkins, mainly
used as pretty decoration for their kitchen window sills. This is the farmer's wife, she collects your money after you've picked
your pumpikins!

Happy with a boot full of pumpkins (and have I got pumpkins??!!)

We took a walk through the area, that's only a small bit of forest

in the background.

A peep through the forest.
A Summer house, for people who want to get away from city life

during the Summer time, or over week-ends.

Look what I found!!

A Crocus, this time of year? On this pic it doesn't look like a Crocus, but

it really is. I remember how surprised I was to find these flowers

only last year, in the same field.

Isn't this a gorgeous Sunflower? I have no idea what type of Sunny, but

beautiful all the same.

It's been a beautiful Autumn day, the dog could run freely, our lungs are

filled with fresh forest air, and we even got to see a group of people

enjoying horseback rides, A N D My kitchen is now filled with


Samstag, September 09, 2006

Peace and Tranquility

Most afternoons Fuji and I will enter through the gate,on the
right hand side just behind this tree to spend some time among the trees
and green lawns of this rather unusual Hotel.
It's actually a training College. It's also directly opposite from where we
live, we like to spend our time here BECAUSE I'm allowed in here
with my dog - as I've said before *DOGS NOT ALLOWED IN
This is a true oasis, situated in a hectic street, but every time
I enter through the gates, it's like being somewhere peaceful
quiet and relaxing.
Here you will find many fruit trees like this small Apple orchard.
Pear trees.Here is one of the many Grape Vines on the Hotel property.
Fuji is completely foot loose and leash free!
Blackberries, to your heart's delight.
A vast variety of flowers, for sale to the public.
As the Hotel building is rather large and long-ish in shape, there
are four entrances leading into the Hotel. On the pic you see one entrance.
Fuji's ready and waiting for the next round of *throw the frisby*

Such Fine Manners!

As a dog owner, it seems I,m forever writing another
*cat tail*.
Some time ago I wrote the joke "How to wash your cat",
that nasty little bit about placing your cat into the toilet etc.
If anyone who reads this ever gets the impression *that
woman's a nasty ol' stick*, You thought wrong! I enjoy having a good
laugh - when I come across a cat joke - and, it's far better suited to a
cat, rather than a dog!
Oh and YES, I love cats as much as dogs, but unfortunately my
dog Fuji doesn't share my feelings for the cuddly, purring and
adorable lil' creatures!
Here is another quick mention of my first encounter with
a cat with first class human manners.
Even if I tried, I could never explain in words - what entered my mind
or what my face must have looked like , when I FIRST and LAST
saw a cat using the toilet!
Perhaps this sort of thing is happening all over our Globe, but,
the coolest thing I,ve seen thus far in Canada!
If there is a toilet trained cat owner out there somewhere,
because we all know, you can't really teach a cat any tricks??!!

Freitag, September 08, 2006

Oh What a Feeling!

Not quite the picture, but something similar I saw on
my way to the Post Office this morning.

There was this cat, lying smack in the middle of the street, it is
only a narrow side street, but a street where cars pass through.
I stepped off the sidewalk and headed for the cat to have a closer look
at what could be the matter - at that moment, all I could see was a
furry creature lying sprawled out but in a most peculiar position.
I stood hovering over the cat, inspecting the animal with the strange
behaviour, curling and rolling around in an odd sort of way.
He was rolling on the floor and he rubbed his head from side to side
as if being caressed - behaving in a similar fashion as my pooch does
when I gently scratch both her ears (if she could purr away, she would)
I bent slightly forward, bending my knees for a closer look, and that's when the
cat noticed me, he jumped back on all fours and made a fast getaway into
the nearest available garden.
I stood there looking very silly, but I noticed a wet spot on the ground
where the cat was doing the breakdance just seconds before, and I thought
to myself *Yip, that must smell very good indeed* to a pair of cat
nostrils of course!

I was reminded of my first encounter with a cat and a small bag
of cat-nip, this happened years ago in Vancouver, Canada, it was
a sight I'll never forget!!
If I think back of the uncontrollable laughter that cat caused me - It
surprises me, till this day, that my friend's carpet wasn't soiled by a
large wet spot!!

By the way, there is cat-nip in the bottle!

Happy Friday Everyone!

"What can you do to promote world peace?
Go home and love your family!"

Mother Teresa

Donnerstag, September 07, 2006

Is the Lady a Tramp?

You Are 44% Lady
You're part lady, part modern woman.Etiquette is important to you, but you brush aside rules that are outdated or silly.

Are You A Lady?
I,m being a copy-cat by "stealing" yet another quizzie off Katt's blog,

Mittwoch, September 06, 2006

Dreams and Superstitions

I've just had a 2 hour telephone conversation with my Girl-child, boy
oh boy, can that kid pack in a good bla-bla-bla!
I am not complaining here, on the contrary, I thoroughly enjoy the time
with her and she makes me laugh till I,m breathless!
By the time we said our farewells, I brewed myself a strong cup
of tea, because by the time we ended the call, I was
literally spitting dust!
Sipping my tea, I let the conversation run through my mind once
again - but slowly this time.
As conversations flow, we cover about a million topics (yes,
my Girl-child can do that in the space of 2 hours!)
I remembered something which crept into our chats - something
we've spoken about many times before in the past.

There are people in the world who take their dreams very seriously,
and others don't think twice about it.

Speaking for myself here, there are two worrying dreams, if and when
I happen to dream of such things.

The first is when the colour black appears in my dream, thankfully
I haven't had many such dreams, but it has occured before.
Someone in the family will pass away, and honostly, it's happened
on three occasions!

The second nasty bit is dreaming of poop!! Boy oh Boy, there's
a muddy road ahead!! That spells trouble and disaster!
Once again, I can only say - believe me! It's happened before.

There are people out there in the world who have crazy superstitions,
and they take it all too seriously or to heart!

I will purposely walk under a ladder, just to prove to myself - nothing
will happen, and it doesn't!

When a Black cat crosses my path, I won't get a panic rash! - seriously!
I have the greatest fear of breaking a mirror (please don't all laugh at the
same time, - please!)
I will be sick with worry for days on end (but that won't change a thing)
The damage is done and all I can do is sit and wait for big trouble in
little China!
The other sad and sorry story is relating pearls!
I refuse to accept pearls as a gift from a loved one - ever!
It's a known fact that the pricey little beauties bring an ocean
of tears!

Dienstag, September 05, 2006

A Cat Goes To Heaven

A cat dies and goes to Heaven. God meets him at the gate and says
"You've been a good cat all these years, anything you desire is
yours, all you have to do is ask!"
The cat says "Well, I've lived all my life with a poor family on a farm
and had to sleep on hardwood floors"
God says "Say no more"
and instantly a fluffy pillow appears.
A few days later, 6 mice are killed in a tragic accident and
they go to Heaven.
God meets them at the gate with the same offer he made the cat.
The mice said "All our lives we had to run, we've been chased by
cats, dogs even women with brooms, if we could only have a
pair of roller skates, we don't have to run any more!"
God says "Say no more", and instantly each mouse was fitted
with a beautiful pair of roller skates.
About a week later God decides to check and see how the cat is
The cat is sound asleep on his new pillow, God gently wakes him
and asks " How are you doing, are you happy here?" the cat
yawns and stretches, "Oh, I,ve never been happier in my life,
and those MEALS ON WHEELS you've been sending over
are the best!"