
Mittwoch, September 06, 2006

Dreams and Superstitions

I've just had a 2 hour telephone conversation with my Girl-child, boy
oh boy, can that kid pack in a good bla-bla-bla!
I am not complaining here, on the contrary, I thoroughly enjoy the time
with her and she makes me laugh till I,m breathless!
By the time we said our farewells, I brewed myself a strong cup
of tea, because by the time we ended the call, I was
literally spitting dust!
Sipping my tea, I let the conversation run through my mind once
again - but slowly this time.
As conversations flow, we cover about a million topics (yes,
my Girl-child can do that in the space of 2 hours!)
I remembered something which crept into our chats - something
we've spoken about many times before in the past.

There are people in the world who take their dreams very seriously,
and others don't think twice about it.

Speaking for myself here, there are two worrying dreams, if and when
I happen to dream of such things.

The first is when the colour black appears in my dream, thankfully
I haven't had many such dreams, but it has occured before.
Someone in the family will pass away, and honostly, it's happened
on three occasions!

The second nasty bit is dreaming of poop!! Boy oh Boy, there's
a muddy road ahead!! That spells trouble and disaster!
Once again, I can only say - believe me! It's happened before.

There are people out there in the world who have crazy superstitions,
and they take it all too seriously or to heart!

I will purposely walk under a ladder, just to prove to myself - nothing
will happen, and it doesn't!

When a Black cat crosses my path, I won't get a panic rash! - seriously!
I have the greatest fear of breaking a mirror (please don't all laugh at the
same time, - please!)
I will be sick with worry for days on end (but that won't change a thing)
The damage is done and all I can do is sit and wait for big trouble in
little China!
The other sad and sorry story is relating pearls!
I refuse to accept pearls as a gift from a loved one - ever!
It's a known fact that the pricey little beauties bring an ocean
of tears!


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

I also spoke to my girl child last night. A joy and very sad too. She has Huntingtons and it was very hard to understand half of what she was saying to me.

At 3:32 PM, Blogger Bibi said...

wow...I did not know that about pearls! I dreamt last night that my toenails fell off, just on my right foot. Hmmmm.

At 11:52 PM, Blogger Neoma said...

It is a good thing that my dreams don't all come true........and I mean A REALLY GOOD THING. I am superstitious on some things also, and not at all on others. But the one thing that I really am superstitious about is saying something NEVER happens. That is just asking for trouble for me.

So you ever have the dream that you are peeing in a public place with everyone watching? Would love for someone to analyze that one. haha

My Mom and I talk for four hours when I call her. We don't even say much....haha But we sure do talk....

At 12:13 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Bibi and Nea: Sometimes dreams can be very disturbing - I try not to let it get to me, but my daughter gets her knickers in a twist (haha) about dreams.
Please look into this: It's very interesting!!!

At 2:50 AM, Blogger Tina Dray said...

Bazza thinks my dreams are bonkers, which really they are, so its a good job or we'd be living in bizzare world.
i to try not to be superstitious but at times just cannot help myself as it doesn't seem worth takeing the risk.

At 6:55 AM, Blogger Katt said...

You must remember that usually what you see in your dreams is not necessarily what they mean in real life.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Bibi said...

I'll check it out ... thanks! ~v

At 12:04 PM, Blogger Sigma said...

An interesting thread. What differentiates a superstition from a strong belief ?
As a general rule, I do not believe in superstitions (at least I think so!), but I have had a few experiences when I said such-and-such thing doesn't happen (any more), and it happened within a matter of days .... I put it more to coincidence than anything else, but few such occurences in close succession did set me thinking.

At 2:33 AM, Blogger Norma said...

I've never heard that about pearls. I love them.

At 2:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I had a dream that I was working hard at the office and I woke up sacked, seriously though, I had a dream some years ago about a plane in a clear blue sky, there was a flash and the plane started to come down, we both ran to the front of the house (which was one we didn't recognise) and saw the plane coming straight at us. In that instant I woke up, it was so vivid I've never forgotten it. God knows what it meant.


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