
Montag, September 18, 2006

Reaching for the Stars ?

Seen outside a large shopping Mall in Strassbourg, I can't say the Lady of
steel is walking the tightrope
because this is a very thick steel pole, we stood below, looking up at
the strange sight, the pole was that long, it was heading for the clouds !
The sky looked very angry, and we thought we'd have to run for
cover, but a 1/2 hour later the sun was shining - perhaps the daring
young woman had some influence there.
But, this is what our skies looks like today - and yesterday!
The other night we were awakened by bright flashes of
lightning and the very loud rumbling of thunder which followed
straight afterwards.
Then it started raining heavily, so I jumped out of bed to shut
most of my open windows.
By the time I reached the living room, the hail balls came crashing
down, with only one aim!! !!
Smash all the windows while we're at it and the going's good!
Luckily no serious damage was done to windows or to parked cars
in the street below - Phew! Ours included!
Another thing I miss about living in a house, your own garage!!!


At 7:45 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

That sure is an interesting sculpture. It is raining here today, I am happy I will be in a nice warm spa all day.


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