
Mittwoch, September 13, 2006

Innocent Teddy Bears?

I have a small shopping bag, given to me by my Girl-child when
she visited London City last year. (Mine is very similar to the pic
above, but instead of dogs, I have teddy bears on my bag)
So this afternoon we took off to Germany and I schlepped the
teddy bag along for an outing.
It was getting late, so we decided to leave the store. As we set foot
through the Anti-theft gates, we were stalled in our tracks by a
blood chilling sound.
Shop assistants came charging, preventing us from leaving
the store.
Within seconds the store manager was standing wide legged before
us, looking as mean as John Wayne in those Western Movies.
He demanded a shopping bag search - on the double !
I was taken totally by surprise, and because I had nothing to
hide, I practically shoved my beloved London teddy bag into
his outstretched hands.
I've never been so embarrassed in my life before - every single
shopper stopped in their tracks to have a better look at us.
I felt like a MOST WANTED criminal, interrogated by the FBI !
It turned out that my little bag from Harrods was not deactivated,
and only after the bag was decoded by the store manager, could we
leave the store.
The good man's apology did not ease my embarrassment, nor
did it alter the colour of our faces !


At 4:18 PM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

Oh how embaresssing!!! My own nightmare. I know the security people are always watching and I always feel so guilty even though I not doing anything wrong!! The more innocent I try to be the more obvious I feel! Yikes!! I am glad you were able to get your teddy bear bag back!

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Ginco said...

Hostagirl: Security in Germany is tight - which is good. But strangely enough, in Switzerland -
no-one bats an eyelid when that awful sound goes off in any store!!

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Neoma said...

Oh Ginco, I know exactly how you feel......isn't it awful. You go crimson, and because you know you didn't do anything wrong you want to shout, I AM NOT a Thief.

We recently went into Walmart with our son, and as we were leaving we set off the alarm. They went trough our bag, and we left, but after some embarrassment. So we were at the mall, again, as we were leaving the store Limited 2 we set off the alarm. We hadn't bought anything, so they kind of looked at Nick as if he was a thief, I asked him, You didn't pick up anything did you. I knew he didn't, but they were glaring at me to accuse him. He looked at me and almost began to cry, we don't do that kind of thing in this family. So we try to leave again, and again it goes off. So I said, Okay...we are going to find out what it is, it was something on Nick. So we took off his shoes, his belt, his shirt, he went through and again he went off. By this time I thought someone had put a "chip" in his neck when I wasn't looking or something. So I said," Nick what in the world else do you have, well he pulled out his little wallet I had given him for Christmas, he usually leaves it at home, and just brings his money. We passed it throug and sure enough it was the wallet. I went through it, and on the card where you list your name and address, on the back was a thin plastic coded strip that tears off, I tore it off, and that was the end of that.

Well I gave one to my grandson for Christmas also, so I called my son to let him know, JUST in case.....

At 12:11 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Nea: Thinking back, I must say the store manager looked more like a nazi SS officer, but I don't remember him wearing black leather boots, Haahaha! I really needed a stiff drink after the drama, but all I wanted was to GO HOME!
But, I'll be back , because I LOVE shopping in Germany!!

At 2:13 AM, Blogger Tina Dray said...

Poor you it must have been so embaressing and a bad end to some retail therapy!

At 3:43 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Tina: I have an Irish friend, and she always says "I could have died
60 times" What a way to go!

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

my first reaction when I first read this was the same as Hostagirls "YIKES"
I know we need security, and we need the retail staff to be more diligent in removing the security strips which seem to be on practically everything we buy. I will be checking my purchases more carefully from now on as they are rung up. I would want more than one stiff drink if I experienced what you had to go through.

At 12:30 AM, Blogger Katt said...

I always get the willies before walking through one of those detector thingies. What you went through is so embarassing!


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