
Donnerstag, September 21, 2006

I Spy With My Little Eye

Pooch and I walked a different direction at "walkies time" and
I noticed this old dilapidated house on the way - once again, this old
house looks a lot worse than the picture shows. (click on the pic)

Another old building, but not half as shabby as the grey house, thanks

to a mellow Autumn, the Geraniums are still in full bloom.

Some Swiss windows are pretty "dressed up" but when I see a window

with pretty curtains, I usually don't have my camera at hand.

I also saw this in a garden, but I behaved myself by placing my

hands deep inside

my pockets (very tempting pumpkin just sitting there. )


At 1:56 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said...

Just catching up! LOLOLOL I Loved the milkman notes!!! (I need help turning the mattress) LOLOL

Your pictures are bee-u-ti-ful!! Someday I just have to get to Europe and explore. Your old houses are gorgeous!

At 9:40 PM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

That pumpkin is very tempting, glad you kept you hands in your pockets, it's too far to come bail you out of jail for snitching a pumpkin.

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Neoma said...

Love your pictures ginco, restful and calm......thank you.

At 2:52 AM, Blogger Bazza said...

The shutters on that dilapidated house look like they could fall off any time. Make sure your not walking past when it happens!

At 3:48 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Mary-Lou, glad the milkman made you snigger over there.

Keewee, Hahaha, don't worry, I might have spend the night behind bars, but the pumpkins would have been all mine, LOL!!

Nea, glad you're back!
Yes with the prolonged Autumn, everything sure looks beautiful.

Bazza, I stay well clear of such rickety houses, but the flower pots flying from balconies are a problem and a danger - on windy days!!

At 11:16 PM, Blogger Sigma said...

Lovely pictures!

At 4:58 AM, Blogger Kev Brown said...

That picture of the balcony with the red flowers is fantastic!


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