Donnerstag, Januar 31, 2008
As I was reading through a few entries of a blogger, I came
across something which enspired and encouraged me to write
the following.
Life doesn't always treat us kindly, therefore we don't always feel up
to smiling and to show our sunny side!
Many of us are confronted with problems large or small!
Some of these problems we can solve, some we can't!
Many of us are faced with sadness and filled with sorrow - no
matter how, we have to face the music and get on with
the show - no matter how hard!
Many of us don't feel too well at times, but we have to put on
a brave face , and somehow, make it through the day!
Being part of the human race means we are confronted with
an endless list of troubles and therefore we get tired and over-
whelmed at times!
Some of us will hide our problems from friends, family and
the rest of the world.
Some people will share their trials and tribulations on the
blog with tens of thousands of other folks, and in doing so
they will make new and compassionate friends.
It doesn't matter what we blog about, it's always great to
make new friends - even though we don't ever get to see what
they look like - but then again, who needs a face when the blogger
behind the scene is a charming person!
Since I've been blogging (almost 2 years ago) I have been very fortunate
to make friends with people from all parts of the world, and I am com-
municating by e-mail with a few of these charming people.
A handful of my blogger friends no longer blog, but we still stay in touch.
The other handful have lost interest - but no matter what their reasons
are, I am sorry that they're gone, because losing a friend is always hard.
Samstag, Januar 26, 2008
The Fastenwähe is a pastry we get to enjoy only around this
time of year.
To translate this word, it should mean fasting pastry, but it has ab-
solutely nothing to do with religion.
The Fastenwähe made it's very first appearance way back in the year
1554, not in Basel, but in the Aargauischen Rheinfelden (German border)
It was known as a luxury pastry and eaten only by the rich.
This pastry is also similar to the Früchte und Käsewähe (fruit & cheese)
which originates from Elsass, France, dating back to the 18th Century.
Today, it is an inexpensive pastry that can be bought and enjoyed by
everyone, and not only by the rich.
As soon as I spot this pastry - sprinkled with just a teensy bit
of aniseed - either in the Baker's window or in the local Super-
market, I'll be first in line to buy the pastry with the strange form .
Simply because it tastes soo good!
Dienstag, Januar 22, 2008
Dackel versus Rottweiler
This bouncy little guy is only a "doggy guest" staying with
the tennants
who live on the top floor of our block of apartments.
A friendly little creature who gets very excited as soon as
he gets out of the lift, onto the street and sniffs the fresh air.
He also has a soft spot for my Fuji girl and wouldn't miss a
quick warm-up game with her for all the doggy food that
is on sale at the local Supermarket.
to join our building.
Mr. CC says he's as soft as lamb chops, but honost to goodness, I
refuse to believe his side of the story.
For as long as I can remember I've always loved dogs - all shapes
and sizes - makes no difference to me what breed either.
For some unexplained reason, I am dead scared of a Rottweiler.
When I'm on the road taking Fuji for her daily roundabout and a
Rottweiler makes a bee-line in our direction - panic gets the better
of me and I will cross the street before the dog gets a whiff of my fear.
Earlier this evening it was Mr. CC's turn to take our pooch for a stroll, but
when he returned home he was just in time to witness a sensation
which I wouldn't have missed for all the Rooibos tea in Southern Africa.
No no, it's not as bad as you think.
The bouncy little doggy guest obviously didn't approve to the
new kid on the block - and left him with tooth marks,
and the only serious damage, was the Rottweiler's pride.
Who knows, perhaps there is a soft side to the Rottweiler clan, and
perhaps the new kid earned himself a juicy lamb chop for showing
his best side.
I wonder how many Rottweiler dogs will return home after an
incident/insult like that, and lick his wounds in silence? !
Mittwoch, Januar 16, 2008
Act of Kindness ?
A man was riding in the back of his limosine when he saw a man
eating grass by the roadside. He ordered the driver to stop and
he got out to investigate.
"Why are you eating grass?" he asked the man.
"I don't have any money for food" the poor man replied.
"Oh please come to my house!"
"But sir, I have a wife and 4 children!"
"Bring them along" the rich man said.
They climbed into the limo.
Once underway the poor felow said "Sir, you are too kind, thank
you for taking us all in."
The rich man replied, "No, you don't understand, the grass at my house
is over 3 feet tall!"
This joke reminds me of something that happened to me last
year while shopping in town.
I was approached by a rather shabby and poor looking woman - I do
believe she was from ex - Jugoslawien.
She told me she had not eaten for a while and was very hungry.
Perhaps I'm a soft sucker for lies like that, but I handed her a 5 Swiss
Frank coin, not an awful lot, but for that amount she could buy a fresh
bread roll filled with a variety of yummy goodies at one of the
many bakeries in our town. As soon as she snatched the money from my
palm, she told me that they have no place to stay and her eldest son is
sleeping on one of the benches at the Main station.
And "Can you give me 20 Swiss Franks to help my Son?!"
I got the message, smiled and moved on without giving her any
more money.
During my stay in town, I have seen that very woman beg for
money at least half a dozen times.
That same week I had to go downtown again, and believe me there
she stood on the sidewalk - better dressed than myself!
The police must have been notified because a few weeks later I
read in our local newspaper that a woman was arrested for
conning people in the heart of our town.
The world is filled with different people, honost and dishonost
rich and poor, to mention just a few.
Although I have grumbled moaned and complained about many things
in and about Switzerland, simply because things are so very different to
my hometown and living here is not the same as enjoying a 3week ski-ing
vacation, but because the Social security in this country is better than
anywhere else in the world, no-one is homeless and no-one needs to go
hungry! !
Freitag, Januar 11, 2008
Not Dead, just Plain Lazy.
I can't believe that I haven't blogged since the 1st January, it really feels
a lot longer.
My head is buzzing with all sort of things to do - but no matter how hard I
try, I can't seem to get started.
Let's just put the blame on this brand new year!
For now I'll remain with the Polar bears - please
read below.
Another Star is Born !
Isn't this little creature just too gorgeous for words?!
It's true what they say "Germany just can't get enough of little
Polar bears"
This is the latest edition born in the Nuremberg Zoo, but the cub was
seperated from his disturbed Mother.
A little more than a year ago another little bear was born in the Berlin
Zoo, but the poor little thing was rejected by his Mom (sad but true)
but was reared by a very loving and human Zoo keeper
As you'll all know who I'm talking about - the Polar bear who caused a
sensation with his every appearance, and who's pictures went around the
world - the one and only Knut
A year later Knut is an extremely large boy, and I will have to travel all the
way to Berlin to get a sneak preview of the big guy.
I would dearly love to tickle his furry belly button (but only if someone will
blindfold him )
I could loose the hand that did the tickling! !
Not so long ago a giant Panda, on loan from China gave birth to a
Mini Panda bear in a Zoo in Austria.
Let's hope the little fellow makes it all the way to the top!
Please note the tiny baby in the Mother's mouth.
So come on Switzerland, you're next in line to help us complete the
circle of "Rich and famous" babies to be born around our part of Europe!
Dienstag, Januar 01, 2008
Pearls - a Man's Best Friend?
Just imagine you're dining in a Restaurant, enjoying
every mouthful of your food - when suddenly you bite onto
something hard (I can assure me, my appetite will leave
me almost instantly, 'cause my first thought will be of 'lil
ol' me sitting in the Dentist's chair!)
But for the couple in question - no Dentist was required!
George and his wife Leslie Brock, in South Florida, spent
the day at the beach, later that afternoon they stopped at a
place called "Dave's Last Resort & Raw Bar" for a bite to eat.
George was halfway through his plate of steamed clams when
he chompped onto something hard.
"Few of these beauties are round and few are a lovely
colour, so this is rare!" said gemologist Antoinette Hatlins.
"I think they have found something precious and lovely and
All I can say is "What a lucky bite - what a way to start the
New Year! ! !"