Why the stork?

In our time, the White stork has become a symbol of childbirth. Why the stork? Many years ago people did not speak of reproduction to children, so people often told the kids that storks, which were a symbol of happiness and prosperity delivered them.
The word STORK was derived from an old English word STORC which means
stiff or rigid.
The Hebrew word for stork is equivalent to "kind mother" and they are also
a symbol of parental care.
I wonder how many bloggers or readers believed in the story of the stork
who is responsible for bringing the babies ? !
Growing up as an only child wasn't ever easy, and although I
often expressed my wish for a brother or a sister, I still had hopes
that some day the big bird will make a U turn to our house and
leave us a small bundle of joy.
I always wonder who was the first person who figured out a story like this.
It was always interesting the stories we heard as children on how babies were delivered. The stork brought them, they came from the cabbage patch, etc.
I know for a fact, that even Mother's didn't talk to their daughter about child bearing in our family. My Mother said nothing, her Mother said nothing to her. But they didn't say the stork brought the babies either, they just let us wonder until a girlfriend told us how it all worked. I was about 14 when I found out "the facts of life." haha
I have heard the cabbage patch story also.
I imagine the gentlemen would have to be 'Storc' in the first place to bring about the arrival of the wee one so perhaps it was the Victorian way of explaining the event with tongue in cheek.
I personally strongly believe (although I have no children of my own to practice my theory on), that one should tell children in simple terms what they appear to be asking with their questions i.e. "where do babies come from?" - "Mummy's tummy" etc, leaving details till they are ready for them.
My parents went to the library (the only time in my childhood) and got out several descriptive children's books about how babies are made, when my mother was expecting the youngest - I was then about 8 years old. It was far more information than I needed and a "mummy's tummy" explanation and that daddy gave a special hug to mummy to make the baby would have been sufficient for me at that age, in fact I was pretty naive and probably wouldn't have noticed my mother gaining weight so a stork story would have been sufficient - LOL.
That was however the end of all my education on the facts of life by my parents. When my monthly visitor arrived for the first time I had been puzzled for a couple of years about this "period" that my friends were always talking about.
Katt: I'm still wondering who's responsible for concocting a story like that - and what about the story about the fairy who brings money for milk teeth? I remember the one time when my Mom forgot to leave a sixpence in my shoe, and I was beside myself with disgust that the fairy overlooked my toofie!
Keewee: I am so pleased that we don't come from the cabbage patch - not a very soothing smell coming from that place, LOL!
Hostagirl: Growing up with a few brothers was my dream, but the big white bird avoided our premises like the black plague!!
Nea: What you're saying sure brings back memories, 'cause my Mom avoided that subject. One fine day she left me in the care of my married cousin to tell me about the birds and the beezz!!
Tom: That's so typical of the Victorian Ladies of yester year - but much hasn't changed since then?!
Lillian: That's the best way to tackle the situation. I always answered my Son's questions as best I could, until he popped the next question. Always just a little info at a time, a parent is so worried to scare them off!!
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