
Donnerstag, Februar 21, 2008

African Version

Dog saves abandoned baby from forest
The dog was looking for food for her newborn puppies when she reportedly saved a 2-week-old baby girl from a forest in Kenya.
The dog found the baby in a forest south of the capital Nairobi. She then took the infant, wrapped in a dirty, black cloth, and carried it across a busy road and through a barbed-wire fence and placed it close to her own puppies.A witness, Stephen Thoya says: "I heard the sound of a baby crying, (when) I looked closely, I saw a dog carrying a baby as it crossed the road."The owner of the heroic dog, Mary Adhiambo says her dog lay next to the baby and cared for it until it was spotted by human rescuers. Ms Adhiambo washed the baby who's umbilical chord was covered with maggots. After cleaning the baby Mary Adhiambo rushed it to hospital.
At the hospital, the 3.3 kilogram child was christened Angel. Doctors confirmed the newborn baby girl had been out in the open for at least two days after being abandoned.Dr Jonathan Micheni said: "An infant of such a tender age, having spent two nights in the cold, is likely to develop respiratory infections and we have put her on a treatment to prevent any bacterial or fungal infections."These kinds of incidents in which babies are abandoned are very common in East African countries like Kenya, where over 56% of the population lives on less than US $1 a day.This is ultimate proof that dogs realy are a man's best friend!


At 7:24 PM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

what an amazing story and a wonderful dog! And we too, have "baby drop boxes" in the USA because of the high rate of abandoned babies or murdered babies because the young mothers don't seem to understand that there are other ways to deal with a tiny baby.

At 1:45 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Thanks for the information Hostagirl. To translate the German word "Baby klappe" it would mean "Baby flap" in English.
It is truely horrid what some mothers do with a newborn, even if there is no such a place as the baby flap, why don't they take the baby to a Hospital and place it in a safe pair of hands and GO!

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

One wonderful *doggie Hero*

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

That would be *heroine*

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Phyllis said...

My God. What a miracle story that is!

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Neoma said...

It is hard for me to imagine someone leaving a baby out in the cold like that. That was one special dog, not all dogs would do that, I guess she was just feeling very "motherly". There are so many loving people who would adopt a baby in a second, yet, they make it so hard that so many couples go childless.


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