Timber! ! ! !

to a ripe old age, but if I don't stop falling over my own feet, I
certainly won't live long enough to tell the story of my love
for a good strong cup o' tea!
When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I will have is a cup
of stong coffee, after that, it's tea all thru the morning.
This afternoon, I took my dog for her usual walk, but as I crossed the
street, I tripped ( goodness knows how) and I fell to the ground!
I don't remember a hump on the road that could have caused the incident, but
when it happened, I realized that I was going down and I'm about
to kiss the cold hard pavement ! The usual slow motion effect!!
What a bummer, and that in the middle of the street!
As I picked myself off the street, I felt the burning pain in my face, due
to the tar paved street, and as I took a glimpse of the dog, she had that
look in her eye "Hey Mate, what you doing lying on the street, leave that
to me!"
There I lay spread out like jam, like a better dressed tramp, but I got up ,
brushed the dirt off my jacket and looked left then right, in the hope that
no one caught sight of the spectacle right on their street.
I was lucky, no one was looking!
When I bought a little something at the Kiosk, not far from my
antics on the street, the sales woman at the Kiosk asked "What's with all the blood
on your hands Lady?" (perhaps she thought that Freddy from Elm street
has arrived in Switzerland!)
Maybe all this tea drinking isn't doing me all that good as it does
the Russian folk, but, I'm a little Ginco tree, and they're known to
live up to thousands of years, with or without the tea! (Snigger)
Hey Ginco!
Hope the blood was because of minor cuts and scratches.
If it makes you feel better, we've all done this, especially us women. Like Flyboy says, "Daar is niks wat val soos 'n vroumens nie." We really do go down hard.
I hope you are not injured! But your reaction to your spill did make me chuckle! I too, have done such a stunt. I had my hammock set up in my front yard some years ago and to my shock and amazment I FELL OUT OF IT!!!! I also immediatly looked around to see if anyone was watching then calming picked myself up and laid back down in the hammock acting as if I had planned the whole thing! Now looking back it really makes me laugh at myself!! I tell myself my Angels were playing tricks on me.
OH OUCH, I could invision it, I was right there with you...... isn't it amazing just how hard you can fall, and it such a short distance to the ground. I have often wondered how it can hurt so much. I have done similar, I have a right ankle that likes to go over on it's side, injured it playing baseball many years ago. And now even the tinest pebble and over I go. The hands always get the worst of it, or the face, or the bum. Either way, something is going to be hurting in the morning.. It was at least nice that no one was looking, it is so embarrassing on top of everything else.
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