Dienstag, August 28, 2007
Sonntag, August 26, 2007
Home away from home
In the KLOSTERBERG area, not far from where we live, a festival
was in full swing, so we took the dog and made our way out there
to see if we could see something unusual or exciting.
To my surprise I discovered many many stalls serving African food
as well as African souvenirs or nickynacks.
Here we came across an African musician playing the drums.
A few stalls further down the pathway we spotted an African
cooking up a storm, what looked like a BBQ, turned out something
quite different, perhaps you'll get the picture if you click on the
pic for a better view - here Mr. CC wanted to know "What's for
Mittwoch, August 22, 2007
Extra Extra!
Why do some people have more than others? I wouldn't
mind having her long tongue when it comes to licking out the
last little bitty honey from the glass jar! !
This is the only cat in the world with two tongues - he lives in
Dobson, NC.
Unfortunately I couldn't share the video, but everytime his two tongues
were visible, it reminded me of an angry snake, YIKES!
Why does he have 6 toes and we have only 5?
Can he run faster or stand guard for that much longer without
getting tired?
It gets even better, there is a young boy in India who has 6 fingers
on each hand and 6 toes on each foot - another video I could not
share with you all.
This kitty has an extra toe to clean in his spare time.
Will we ever understand the mysteries of this wonderful but
oh so weird world we live in - I guess not!
If you'd like to see a video about the people with ostrich feet who
live beyond the Southern valley of the Zambezi river in Zimbabwe
where buffalo roam under bleached skies and tsetse flies linger on
human flesh (sorry about that) then go here and have a look see.
Montag, August 20, 2007
Going Up ! Going Down !
This thing called an elevator or a lift is part and parcel of our
daily lives, we press the button, the lift stops right in front of
our nose, and we step right inside without thinking anything of it.
It's as normal and easy as the escalator in every large shopping center,
instead of walking up the steps provided, we'd rather get onto the fast
moving steps that will get us to the top or the bottom in no time.
Up to this day I've known only one person who refused point blank to
set foot on the fast moving steps - my Mom!
For some unknown reason she's rather walk up or down 5000 steps than go
on the escalator.
But that's another story, I want to tell you how we all got stuck in the
elevator rather late - ish on Sunday evening.
The picture of the elevator above is not the one in our building, but
it is very similar - very small and narrow.
Moving large furniture in this little matchbox is quite a mission, in
fact it's more than that, you need a set of powerful muscles to carry
your furniture (or most of it) up the stairs, or down if you're
moving out, simply because you cannot fit anything larger than a
human being into it.
Instead of saying good-bye to our visitors at the front door, we
decide we'd all get into the elevator just to enjoy a final chit chat.
That's when it happened!!
The elevator was definately not overcrowded (only 4 persons, and dog)
As we descended, the car stopped in mid-air, so again we presses the button
which should take us to the ground floor.
But once again we experienced the same problem.
To cut a long story short, we spent about 15 minutes of sheer fright
and horror in a tiny elevator which didn't know how to get us to
the ground floor.
Our knight in shining armour came in the form of our neighbour.
He was desperately waiting to get into the lift himself, but noticed
4 shaken humans going up and going down with no end in sight.
Apparently, one of our visitors was standing a little too close to the edge of
the elevator and caused confusion to the electronical brain of the little metal
box !
I can't say being trapped in a tiny square box with very little fresh
air, nervous tention and almost "JAM IN THE LIFT" is a pleasant
After the nasty ordeal, I had problems walking back into freedom
with a pair of kneecaps which felt genuinely jam filled.
As I'm typing this story, I am laughing, but believe me, no-one was
laughing last night.
Perhaps I should stick to the staircase in future ! ! !
Mittwoch, August 15, 2007
Fit for a Queen ?!
I've found something else that tickles my fancy - It took 1,200 carpet-
weavers one and a half years to complete this beauty - weighing only
38 tons !
The wool comes from SIRDSCHAN in South Irak and New Zealand.
I wonder what this 5,625 squaremeter carpet is in aid of, and will
they ever use it for special occasions, and where will they store such an
enormous bit of wool in case of rain.
I suppose my curiosity will get me nowhere, but I bet anyone who dare
walk on that carpet with his shoes on, will be a thrown into the deepest
and darkest dungeons!!
Dienstag, August 14, 2007
This one's for you Hostagirl.
On the 24th July Hostagirl http://seasonsadventures.blogspot.com/ showed
a picture of a (speared) Chinese dragon on her blog, and it reminded me of
something sililar just a few streets away from where we live.
When I saw this strange creature crawling up the wall, I didn't have my
camera handy (as usual) but when I saw Hostagirls dragon picture, I
had to go back to take the picture of this strange creature climbing
up the wall.
It's obvious, that someone who lives in that building had a fantasy of some
sort, but what he had in mind will remain a mystery!
Montag, August 13, 2007
Samstag, August 11, 2007
Water water everywhere!
This has definately been one of those "more wet than warm"
Last week it rained non-stop again causing chaos and
problems for many people of many cities here in Switzerland.
Rivers are full to capacity, the cellars (basements) are filled with
water and almost everything standing has been flooded away.
Firemen have worked overtime to pump out flooded cellars - to
say the least, the loss is immense!
This picture shows the rushing water under a bridge, not all that
very far from where we live.
Here,s another picture of our town, a little more rainfall and the water
will reach the bridge.
Dienstag, August 07, 2007
Is the city to blame?
The last time I was in Zürich I wanted to take a picture of this
funny headless statue, which is also a drinking fountain.
Girlchild took the pic on her mobile phone and sent it to me per
e-mail, but for some reason I could not post it on my blog (me bumbo)
Personally I find this a very cute statue -but where's his head?!
Could it be one of Snow white's dwarfs that left the forest behind and
then ended up losing his head in the big city?
We'll never know!
All the same, everytime I see this little guy, I imagine him with a head, and
holding a bowl of some sort, so everyone with a great big thirst can drink from it.
Freitag, August 03, 2007
1st August Celebrations
We spent the entire day in Zürich to join in the August 1 celebrations.
The weather was really kind to us all (after so many weeks of rainfall)
There were tourists all over the streets and everyone was enjoying
whatever this fabulous town had to offer, even the swans made
themselves comfortable along the jetty, enjoying
every bit of public attention. This terrace was packed to capacity - no room for a teensy mouse -
while people were enjoying eats and drinks they were entertained by
non-stop music.
The Zürich See was alive with activities and boats of all shapes and
sizes were out on the water, it was almost as busy as the trams and
cars on the busy streets.
Do click on this picture and you will see the snow on the mountains
far in the background.
This is the Fraumünster looking out over the Zürich See, what I liked
about this pic was the colour of the water, it wasn't only blue, it was
more of a turquoise colour.
What I like about this city that never sleeps is - never a dull moment!!
Donnerstag, August 02, 2007
She's over 700 years old
People in our town celebrate the Swiss National Day August 1st, along the
Rhine river.
The city starts it's festivities the day before with water sporting events,
food stands, games and activities.
Many stay until after sunset to ooh and aah at the always spectacular
fireworks show.
Here is only one picture of the beautiful fireworks display which lasts
over an hour.