
Dienstag, August 07, 2007

Is the city to blame?

The last time I was in Zürich I wanted to take a picture of this
funny headless statue, which is also a drinking fountain.
Girlchild took the pic on her mobile phone and sent it to me per
e-mail, but for some reason I could not post it on my blog (me bumbo)
Personally I find this a very cute statue -but where's his head?!
Could it be one of Snow white's dwarfs that left the forest behind and
then ended up losing his head in the big city?
We'll never know!
All the same, everytime I see this little guy, I imagine him with a head, and
holding a bowl of some sort, so everyone with a great big thirst can drink from it.


At 7:36 PM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

That is a very cute but strange statue!! A very odd place to drink from!

At 2:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

This looks like one of the famous Walking Statues of Füssen. Legend has it that they walked the earth looking for the Alpengeist the spirit of the mountains. Looks like the top half of this one has gone on 'ahead'

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Hostagirl: It is indeed cute but strange, and everytime I look at this creature with the short skirt, it almost looks as if his skirt is blowing sideways in the breeze, hie hie!!

Tom: Thank you so much for throwing a little light on the Bavarian medieval times, hmm, very interesting.
Now I'm curious as to what a German statue is doing down in Switzerland LOL!!

At 3:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Well, he's a split personality with no sense of direction.


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