
Sonntag, August 26, 2007

Home away from home

In the KLOSTERBERG area, not far from where we live, a festival
was in full swing, so we took the dog and made our way out there
to see if we could see something unusual or exciting.
To my surprise I discovered many many stalls serving African food

as well as African souvenirs or nickynacks.
Here we came across an African musician playing the drums.

A few stalls further down the pathway we spotted an African
cooking up a storm, what looked like a BBQ, turned out something
quite different, perhaps you'll get the picture if you click on the
pic for a better view - here Mr. CC wanted to know "What's for
I love a good curry dish, and as the smell of curry filled my nostrils, I
had to kill my curiosity by charging over to this stall to find out what's
on sale. This guy (from Tangier)
sat almost motionless behind his dark sunglasses, and I never showed
the courage to enquire about his wares! !

Although I must admit I'm not a great fan of African curios, but
seeing this made me a wee little homesick.

More African souvenirs to buy, from shoes to furniture, but I
was more interested in taking a pic of the man in the center of the
photo standing close to the palm tree.
He was wearing a traditional Nigerian dress.
As the weather was good and the sun was shining brightly, it
was no surprise that the crowds were overpowering - everytime I
took a shot of this guy, someone walked in front of the camera or
he was simply wiped out of sight.

This was the only picture and stall that had nothing to do with Africa,
but the Indian lady was very friendly indeed when I stopped to look at
her pretty things, so I decided she's worth the photo - even though
she never got the chance to smile into the camera. (She's in the
center of the picture, dressed in the yellow Sari)
It just goes to show, one doesn't have to fly all the way to Africa
to see what's cooking, no way! Just come along to one of Switzerland's
sunday festivals!!


At 11:59 AM, Blogger Kev Brown said...

Looks very cultural, nice pictures!

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Switzerland looks a really civilised country to live in, I'd gladly swap for the UK where it's like the Wild West. Shootings and stabbings every day and no respect for authority or elders. Great atmospheric pictures Ginco.

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Africa is such an interesting country, it is on my list of places to visit. I experienced my first taste of African food a few weeks ago. It is cooked by an African woman at our local farmer's market, and is so delicious.


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