
Sonntag, Oktober 08, 2006

Footloose and Fresh Air

What are dog dreams made of? Running riot and chasing the
neighbour's cat, perhaps a juicy bone? I can't say for sure, but
Fuji's idea of paradise is running footloose and leash free through
the forest, or anywhere, where she can do her own little dog thing!
A drive out of the city and into the fresh air can be the best tonic for
man or beast.
We were fortunate to see plenty of squirrels, and I managed to get a pic
of one as he was munching away, but once again the little guy was
one up on me because as I took the pic he must have turned his
head slightly - so don't be surprised if this doesn't look like a squirrel.
At the bottom of the tree, on the left hand side. Wow! these guys are fast!

We strolled for over an hour alongside the rippling waters of a small stream

shadowed by trees.
Here the remains of an old tree trunk, covered in moss.

I tried my hardest to photograph some small creature on all fours, but

all my attempts were in vain - they're simply faster than I am.


At 11:42 AM, Blogger Alan said...

Normally I think dogs dream of rabbits

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Alan: I'm not so sure Fuji knows what a rabbit is, but she has a love/hate relationship with all cats. LOL!!

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Phyllis said...

Great photos! I love that stump!

At 12:40 AM, Blogger Katt said...

Oooh, I think Fuji and Houndus Maximus had similar weekends. Lots of sniffing, exploring and finding little creatures.

At 1:33 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Phyllis: I just couldn't resist taking pics of a few more stumps, will post 'em at a later stage.

Katt: She had a ball finding the little creatures, and I had a battle taking a decent picture of 'em, hahaha!!


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