
Dienstag, Oktober 03, 2006

In a State of Extreme Confusion !

I was awake and outta bed at 6am this morning, there

was a list of chores I wanted to complete before mid-day.
The laundry was waiting for me, and I wanted to wash the floors
in every single room.
The bathroom cabinet is over crowded with nonsensical goods, and
today was the day lots of it will end up in the garbage can.
As I was sorting through the soiled laundry, I noticed the washing
powder, the container was as good as empty, what a nuisance!
Only one way to remedy that, quickly dash out to the nearest
supermarket, and bring it home fast.

Every morning I will empty and wash out the dog's bowl and place it
on top of
the workspace in the kitchen - so when Madame's ready to munch,
I'll just fill up her bowl with fresh grub and she can chew away!

Mr.CC always says, she looks into that bowl as if she's dining in
the Ritz!

Since yesterday it's been raining cats and dogs here, but come rain or
shine, I must get a move on if I want to buy that washing powder
and get started with the work load.

Before I left home, I decided I should first eat a little something ( I
wasn't feeling hungry at all, my mind was set on all the grimey chores
waiting for me to complete)
Anyhow, I reached for the box of FIT & ACTIV corn flakes (see, it's gotta
be fit and active because I need stamina keeping up with the
Renegade !)

So without any ado, I poured some cornflakes into the dog's bowl
(still not noticing my horrid slip-up)
The realisation hit me once I poured the milk over the whole
merry lot.

Disgusted but grateful no-one was around to see my actions, I left the
dog's breakfast standing on the table, I grabbed my brollie and
my raincoat, and made way for the elevator to take me down-
stairs (still a bit cheesed off because I've already wasted so much time)

I stepped out of the lift and walked through the second glass door -
finally I was outside and almost on the pavement,
when I noticed I was still wearing my house slippers ! ?
At times like these I have to think back of my Gran's words.



At 11:11 AM, Blogger Kev Brown said...

Bah....don't talk to me about needing to wash floors, I did not realise puppies could make so much mess.

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Alan said...

I once managed to put our dogs bowl in the fridge thinking it was the milk jug when I was making breakfast. I blame not being completely awake.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

lol, pity we can't rewind our day like a video, but I guess we'd still do daft things even with a second go at it. We're only human.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Neoma said...

haha, so glad to hear that I am not the only one who moves in circles......

But I haven't tried to eat out of the dog dish yet. haha

At 11:08 PM, Blogger Bibi said...

LOL ... I often find myself using the very same quote from my grandmother. Tomorrow will be better! ;-)

At 1:29 AM, Blogger Tina Dray said...

ha ha in the uk actions like these used to be known as having a senior moment but its not allowed now due to political correction!
hope your dog enjoyed his cereal!

At 3:31 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Kevin: The puppies keeping you on your toes 'eh? Just don't leave home without your shoes, ok! HAAHAA!

Alan: We do the strangest things -
when presed for time or plagued with sleep!

Tom: When I poured the corn flakes into the wrong bowl, I was disgusted with myself, only saw the funny side hours later, Hahaha!

Nea: Many times I will be doing 3 or 4 jobs at the same time, but yesterday something went very very wrong, Haahaha!

Bibi: Don't you just love what Gran-ma used to say? :-)

Tina: I think I could handle having a "senior moment" but when it comes to Senile Dementia! I'll be over the hills and I will even outrun the Renegade!! :-)

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

where is a camera when you need one? LOL


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