
Montag, Oktober 02, 2006

Even if She Tried, She Couldn't.............

Apply her make-up
Blow her nose
Wipe her tears
Get dressed
How does she go to the toilet ?
Fasten the shoelaces on her Winterboots
Shake hands - impossible!
Change the baby's diaper - or nappy
Type that urgent letter the Boss wants now !
In fact I don't think this woman can do anything at all with nails
like these, the woman's living dangerously!!
As a young girl, I used to bite my nails very badly. Worries I didn't have, Mom
and Dad took charge of that, so it was just a very nasty habit, I guess.
One day, as I was merrily chewing away, Dad was eye-ing me out, and in
his cool calm and collected way he said to me, "One day when you're a grown
woman, you're going to have crooked fingers like those of a WITCH!"
WOW ! That really rocked me - without the music of a Heavy Metal Band!
Believe it or not, since that very day, I never again chewed my finger
nails, ever again! So,
my Father's words really worked magic.
Strangely enough, they had another way of getting me off the dummy or
pacifier - many years prior to the nail biting story!
But that's another story!
Personally, I prefer medium long nails (no disturbances please)
One can always use a pretty transparent or soft pink colour
nail polish - even though the nails are just medium long.
It must be so irritating when you have to prepare a pastry, or work
with food (where you have to use your fingers) and your nails are in the way.
For the life of me, I cannot imagine the woman with the looooong nails
getting stuck into pastry making - because, she's going to stick like glue
to the floury mixture!
Perhaps it's a blessing we're all different people with different ideas, as


At 8:45 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Wow! I can't begin to imagine how difficult everyday things we take for granted, are difficult for her to do.
In my opinion they are so ugly.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Neoma said...

I can't see handicapping yourself in that way. Even moderately long nails would get in my way. I use my hands so much. I keep my nails cut down just to the ends of my fingers. At one time in my life I let my nails grow long, it made doing everything more difficult. And I said, NO way. They have to go, I couldn't even play the piano with them. And changing a babies diaper, well, poor baby. haha

At 7:34 PM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

I can't imagine putting such a burden on someone who has to do just about everything for you!!! What would be the point??? I have to much to do in life to worry about such things as how long I can grow my fingernails!!!

At 2:55 AM, Blogger Bazza said...

I have been known on occasion to accuse someone of being a "waste of space". with nails like that I think that lady fits my description, unless it's a relative of yours gincoleaves, in which case she's a very nice lady!

At 5:58 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Keewee: I agree, those nails are gross! I wonder how long does it take to grow 'em so long!?

Nea: She must have someone spoiling her to bits by doing everything for her, I know i'd be bored out of my mind with nothing to do.

Hostagirl: If I think how often I have my hands in water, and all the jobs i'm involved in - I can't imagine the time this Dame has on hand!

Bazza: I don't know her personally to say she's a waste of space, but I think people will walk a U-turn around her.
Btw, I downloaded the pic from Yahoo only yesterday, so she's not my Seester!

At 1:34 AM, Blogger Tina Dray said...

yuk! wouldn'want to be in fight with her i think she'd more than scratch your eyes out!


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