
Donnerstag, Juli 12, 2007

Hallo Again !

My goodness, I've been off the blog and on the go like a jo-jo for the
last 17 days - just goes to show how time flies !

Once again a loved one has taken ill, and I can honostly say, I've
had just about enough of scary nights, hair raising moments and
hospital tales !

The picture above shows my girlchild lying in a hospital bed in the
Triemli hospital in Zürich, and that was the main reason for my absence
on the blog.

Oh Lordy!! I won't be a very popular person if she gets to see this, so
before I get myself into any more trouble, I won't go into detail as to why
she's lying spread out in a strange bed, in a white washed hospital room !

But, I will say this much - the girlchild that is so dear to my heart, is
once again up to her old tricks, and I'm happy to say that she's
fine and doing very well ! ! !


At 4:26 PM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

I was wondering about your absense from your blog. I am sorry to read that girlchild is ill. I hope all is going well for the 3 of you very soon.

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Good to have you back gincoleaves, and to hear your girlchild is now doing so much better.

At 11:59 PM, Blogger Katt said...

And a pretty girl child she is too, even in a dismal hospital bed.

Glad to hear she is on the mend, Ginco! And yes, I think you will be in trouble. :-)

At 1:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I was beginning to worry about you, your only off when something bad happens. Glad girlchild is feeling better, her hospital looks a lot nicer than the ones over here.

At 5:41 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Hostagirl: We're all fine & well thank you, but honostly this merry-go-round effect has got to stop now!!

Keewee: Thank you for all your love and concern, and yes, it's good to be back in the saddle again.

Katt: I am indeed in hot soup if & when she sees herself all spread out on the Internet! (ouch)

Tom: I know this has got to stop, soon people will think I'm making a habit of disappearing, LOL!


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