
Dienstag, Mai 22, 2007

Cats in Charge

What is it about cats?

They have a mind of their own, they're cheeky and can be so moody,

they do as they please, treat us humans as their servants and they

will leave the house and return whenever it suits them and expect

to be served at all hours,as if they're they're living in the Ritz.

Not to mention - they come for a cuddle only when it suits them.

And when it comes to humorous pics - who will be best to pose as

super models? THE CAT!!

Last night I was surfing the net looking for something funny, and found


This is exactly what will happen if the cats were in charge of

Mc Donalds. Fast food will never be the same again! !


At 12:51 PM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

Oh my goodness...that is just the way our cat treats us...or..I mean..that's just the way she treats HER people!!! After all, she is the boss! Hostagirl

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Rocket rules the roost around here too.He is kind enough to let us reside in his house.

At 6:44 AM, Blogger Sigma said...

Ha ha!!

Well, it reminds me of a joke about pets. The dogs think: These humans treat me so well. They give me food and things to play with. They must be Gods.
The cats think: These humans treat me so well. They give me food and things to play with. WE must be Gods.

Have a great weekend!!!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Neoma said...

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At 10:50 AM, Blogger Neoma said...

Ah so true, so true, makes me long for my sweet dog, Lou. I love my cat to pieces, but it is so totally different, ever try to cuddle with a cat when you are feeling low, or cry in your cats fur..........I DON'T THINK SO......I wrote a piece once about my cat....have to drag it out and post it.

Cats decide, that is the long and short of it, on everything. They rule.......they put up with us......when it suits them.


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