
Freitag, Mai 25, 2007

No Rest for the Wicked

Follow me, and I'll lead you into the street of hell!
Since the beginning of May, this is what we have to put up with.

As soon as the clock strikes 7am every morning, the workmen
are on the go -- doing only their job, but doing a good job

of robbing us of the last nerve in our body.

Thank goodness I'm an early riser, because there's not a

snowball's chance of a little "lie in". By the time these guys

are making a wholesome racket by drilling and digging huge holes

into the road, I'm

awake and having my second cup of early morning coffee.

Anyone who oversleeps will be woken by a wide selection

of street looney's.

Police cars chasing a speeding Ferrari, followed by the chilling
sound of the Ambulance sirens, minutes later we'll be entertained

by no less than 3 very noisy Fire engines speeding by.
Not to mention the Lorries and Trams, yes, they all come out to

play in our crazy street!

There's NEVER a dull moment around here! When in desperate need of

a holiday, the German folk will say "Ich bin reif für die Insel!" and I whole-

heartedly agree "The time has come for my escape to the Island!"


At 6:42 AM, Blogger Sigma said...

Hmmmm ...
In our city, Metro rail is being installed ... the construction work is going all around ... you are going to faint by just looking at a pic of the mess if I posted one :-D

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

I count my blessings every day living here in the peace and quite of our semi- rural area. I can't imagine living in the city again.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Neoma said...

Oh, I would have gone totally insane by now. I love your city, the unique building and being so close to shopping and such, but this would indeed be a big drawback for me, since I love to sleep in till almost 10 some mornings....

At 1:12 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Sigma: Oh You poor guys! That's bad news and quite a bit more street insanity compared to our "on the doorstep" noise and mess. :-)

Keewee: That's why I admire your peaceful environment so much. I'd much rather post about the lovelies of life, rather than the nasty aggravation we have to endure simply because we're living so close to the City. :-)

Nea: I'm off my trolley long time ago, LOL! Due to all this noise and mess, we are forced to keep all windows and the balcony door closed - and the Summer is here, can you imagine the heat we feel behind closed doors? :-)

At 10:56 PM, Blogger Phyllis said...

I live in the "city" of Coupeville, but when I hear a siren I usually know where they are going, or will soon find out.
The noise I hear is the two yappy dogs two houses down. Ahhh, life on the Island here is grande!!

At 2:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ho ho, the country has it's tyrants too. The pigeon that sits on the roof and coo's at 5 a.m. and the myriad crows who caw all day. but I guess you'd swap for that over roadworks any day.


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