
Montag, Juni 25, 2007

Got the Monday Blues?

Is this what you're Friday looked like ?

Please don't tell me this is how you started your Monday !

Donnerstag, Juni 21, 2007

Summer.......... where are you ? !

This picture was taken in Fraubrunnen here in Switzerland, show-
ing a factory standing "knee deep" under water.
The sewage system couldn't handle any more water .

Not a very pleasing picture, but this is what the sky looked like
at quarter to eight this morning.

The outside world looked as black as the Ace of Spades.

It'll be an understatement to say that it's been raining cats and
dogs here since the last few days.
Even an umbrella cannot take the weight of the rain beating
down - so going to the local supermarket is a matter of
swimming your way through the large puddles of water.
A rain storm such as this always seem to hit our neighbours in
Germany extra hard - the German border is only a 20minute drive
away, but boy, when it rains in Germany, it rains!
Although we're neighbours , it always amazes me that we are
never hit that hard by the chaos the storm leaves behind, as they
These people are trapped on the roads by uprooted trees and
floodwater - to say the least.
Here by us, the night is alive with the sound of fire engines chasing to
pump out the overflowing rainwater that has once again found it's way into
many cellars.
If this doesn't stop soon, we won't have a Summer to enjoy before the
Winter season makes himself comfortable again.
Aah well, I suppose this is just another Summer playing "Hard to get!"

Montag, Juni 18, 2007

Who wants to live forever ?

The saying goes "An apple a day keeps the Doc away" but this guy is

in the firm believe that a daily glass of milk has done the trick to keep

him healthy and fit.

An 111year old Japanese just named the world's oldest man said he owed

his longevity to steering clear of alcohol.

"I don't drink alcohol - that is the biggest reason for my good health"

Timoji Tanabe told media he does not smoke and likes a glass of

milk every day (wonder if it's goat's mik!)

Asked how much longer he wanted to live, a former government worker

said simply "I don't want to die!"

I wonder how many people out there share the same wish as this


I don't want to live forever! It will be interesting to

be placed into a "frozen sleep" (as seen in the sci-fi movies) for

some odd 20 years.

Imagine waking up to the many changes after having napped for so long!

So before I get completely carried away, I'll stop right here ! !

Donnerstag, Juni 14, 2007

What a Steal !

A gold bathtub worth 120 million yen ($988,100) which was stolen from

a hotel near Tokio.

Japanese police are scratching their heads over how the bathtub weighing

some 80 kg was stolen from the 10th floor

of the hotel.
How is something like this possible? Swiping a towel or an
ashtray because the guest wants a holiday souvenir is one thing, but
removing a wall fitted TV - unnoticed by any of the hotel staff, let alone
passing the reception without anyone batting an eyelid because you're
huffing and puffing from the weight of the television set, is still a puzzle to me.
Now all I can think of is taking a bath in a golden bathtub worth 1 million
dollars, filled with Lime blossom lotion ! !

Sonntag, Juni 10, 2007

Lime Blossom Lane

From the top to the bottom end our street is surrounded by
Lindenblüten trees.
I don't recall seeing this tree in South Africa, but in the North of America
it is known as the Lime blossom tree.
The tea made from this tree is a great favorite among the Swiss folk, and
I have heard that many a male picker has fallen off the ladder whilst picking
the blossoms from the trees. So, if the poor guy managed
to break an arm or a leg in the picking process - at least he could come
home from hospital to a freshly brewed cup of Lime blossom.
At a certain time of year the Lime blossom trees will shed a sticky
substance, and every single car parked underneath it will be
covered in "glue". You will need quite a bit of "elbow grease" to remove
that unpleasant stuff off the car!
But then again, at this time of year (mid June) the blossoms will
make us forget about it's nasty side, and leave us with the
most wonderful scent I have ever inhaled - pure heaven to the nostrils!
I am rather curious as to why this tree is just good enough to
squeeze out a cup of tea only, what about a Lime blossom Body
Lotion - I will be the first to stand in line to purchase my bottle of
Eau de Toilette de Lime de Blossom!!!
But who knows, perhaps I'm living behind the moon and there is such
a perfume on the shelves.
If anyone knows more than I do - please let me know! * * * * * * * * * *

Dienstag, Juni 05, 2007

For the sake of Art

About 2000 people stripped off their clothes in Amsterdam to pose in

the nude for the American photographer Spencer Tunick.

Dozens of Ladies posed on their bycicles in the early hours of

the morning - I can only hope the sun was shining warmly on their

naked behinds, because, even though we're enjoying Spring time,

the weather can be very unpredictable in Europe - and stripping for the sake of

the artist, will definately make no difference what so ever!

Hundreds of men and women posed in a parking lot, and I'm ever so

glad I wasn't looking for a parking spot on this bright and breezy

morning - if suddenly this bunch appeared in their "birthday suits"

I would think I'm still in dreamland !

Strange but true, what people won't do for the sake of Art! !