
Mittwoch, Juli 05, 2006


Although we have a tram stop near to our home, I prefer taking
a walk downtown.
I had a few errands to make, and as the morning was still fresh
and cool, I got my act in gear before the sun was going to beat
the blazes out of me and the rest of us.

I always pass through the SPALENTOR, a fortified gate (1370)
which marks the end of an old city.
Further along the way I will also pass the University and
the University Hospital, and three minutes later I will
be in the heart of town.

In Europe the Summer holidays have just begun, and most people
have grabbed children and luggage to exchange their hum drum
life for a chill somewhere on a gorgeous beach.
With so many people gone away, a few hours in town should
have been a quiet affair. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!
Almost every Dept. store in town was having a 50% sale, and people
were going BALISTIC!

I came to a halt at a cosmetic counter, only to find the ladies
kicking up a storm in search of the desired colour in lipsticks.
Like proud Bantam roosters, they were digging and
scratching to find the last corn!
My trusted friend (my sixth sense) sprayed me with danger
signals, so I slipped away quietly

I could not imagine myself involved in a Cockfight - in a Dept store -
in the heat of the day!!!

At High Noon, we received Cosmic rays from the sun, and the
good citizens of our town was perspiring profusely!!

Ignoring the warning signals, I went into another store and headed
for the Lingerie Dept.

I spotted a few nifty Summer Pj's, and I moved closer to admire the
pretty lil' things.
Minding my own shopping business and trying to find my favorite
colour and correct size, I was suddenly "piano-ed" out of
the way by a Kwik size XXXL lady shopper.

The hot and sticky breathing down my neck, from a male
shopper just the other day, was one thing, but the risk of
receiving a sudden blow from the Tank size lady was another!
I whimpered silently and FLED!

Before my sixth sense decides to leave me to my own devices, I
decided it was time to go home.

A large part of our town is under construction, bulldozers
and tractors have taken possession of the tram lines, somewhere
was a bus stop and a bus to transport me back home, but instead
of searching (and running into more trouble) I decided to walk
back home. (no problem on a cool or snowy day, but don,t forget
the heat now)
With the sun on my back, trying to burn away whatever it can,
and not even a hint of a cool breeze, I marched on!
It was the longest 15min. walk of my life!

When I opened my front door, I received (my usual) physical abuse
from my dog, assaulting me with gratitude for returning home.

But it felt sooo good, and it was far less dangerous than the
abuse, given for free, down town.

I can,t help wondering why can,t we have a laid-back atmosphere.

I can,t help wishing to be like THEEE AMIGOS from EEEEL PAASO


At 11:35 AM, Blogger steve said...

you are funny you should have bitten tank ladies leg and then ran! she wouldn't have caught you.
sumo wrestlers can't run. smack one on the nose and then say. come on get me

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Ginco said...

Steve, you are such a clown!
I will follow your advice for
my next excape into town.
Eh! words that rhyme!

At 5:45 AM, Blogger Katt said...

Okay, so it was a bad day! But somehow you have managed to make it sound rather idyllic. Or maybe I am just strange which is a definite possibility.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said...

Hmmmm!! Sounds like a good way to save money...listen to your 6th sense and stay home!!

(not all tank size ladies are rude...)


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