
Montag, Juli 03, 2006

Lost in Orbit

There's nothing wrong with being overly cautious
when going to the Supermarket, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S MONDAY!!

Although my shopping list was short, I had no intention of
lingering longer than necessarily.

I was amused by a few customers with strange behaviour.

I took the escalator which leads directly into the Supermarket
area. Behind me I heard a grumbling/mumbling sound of
someone who was in a "neck break" hurry to overtake
us on the stairs in motion (an act of suicide?)

I was about to enter through the automatic swing gates,
when a woman shopper came charging like a bat out of
hell to get past us and through the waist high gates before
anyone else gets a chance.

I,m not a slow moving female Earthling, but this lady was like a
highspeed hydroplane!! I think she simply disintegrated, I never
saw her again.

I walked down to the "Bakery Bin" for my favourite bread - each
loaf individually packaged.
Standing next to me was another lady shopper, and she was
shaking the "living daylights" outta each loaf of bread!!
What on Earth was she plotting? was she sending secret wake
up signals to the sleeping little loaves?!?!

On the way to the Dairy products, was yet another customer
who was heavily involved with a "one man band" conversation! and
believe me she was pretty uptight about her story.
The tomatoes were lying snugly in my shopping basket, and
definately not in front of my eyes, so I couldn,t see her in-
visible companion!

This was getting way too much for me -- for one day -- for a Monday

So I headed for the tills, and whilst waiting patiently in the queue, I
felt this sudden rush of hot and sticky air embracing the back
of my neck. As I turned around to see who was responsible for
my sudden discomfort, I almost kissed a total stranger, he was
standing so close behind me ------ Gosh! wasn,t it hot enough
for him?!


I wanna go home.


At 10:03 AM, Blogger steve said...

hahahhah its not just me then
I have my own space around me and its about a metre, any closer and I am closteraphobic you should have stood on his foot.

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said...

I think I would have just backed up and stepped all over his foot!!

At 1:56 AM, Blogger Katt said...

Oh lovely! I wish I could make my shopping trips sound so funny. PS: You are really becoming very good at this blogging thing!

At 3:12 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Geez! Kitty Kat, that,s a grand
compliment coming from you, the best blogger on the block.

You should see my fuzzy tail now!

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Bazza said...

Hi gincoleaves, thanks for the nice comments you left on my blog. I will return to your blog in the near future but can not comment on supermarket shopping as it would be no good for my blood pressure!

At 7:18 AM, Blogger M said...

I am definitely going to pay closer attention to people next time I head down to pick 'n pay. MANY very interesting characters there. Although sometimes I wonder if I am not the one in the mad rush to GET OUT.


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