
Mittwoch, Juni 14, 2006

Sleepless Nite (Part 1)

I,ve discovered something last night - late-ish!
A handful of my blog entries have VANISHED, up and left, gone!
Now I,m in a flat spin, has someone left jinxie,s cage open?
He,s on the loose, and not welcome here. My blog is only a baby, and
jinx is up to no good.
It,s 1.45am, and I can,t sleep, here an itch there a scratch, the mattress is too
hard, my pillow is pinching my neck, and I get the feeling Mr.CC`s arms are out to do me
a serious damage if I don,t escape - while I can.
I,ve had way too many cigarettes, but what the heck, let me light up another.
I think sharp and type two fingers faster, with the help of my nicotine sparks.
Please, all you kind friends, just pardon the mistakes in the morning.
Tonight the phone rang no less than two times, also late-ish, not a good sign,
no good at all. You see, I have this nose, not a big one, neither long noe sharp,
I was "gifted" to smell an evil breeze a mile away.
Each caller was the bearer of bad news, these people rob me of my beauty
sleep, and I,m gonna pay a fortune for burning the midnite oil, and my apple
cart has toppled over, and I must collect all the little apples!!
In-laws and out-laws!! They,re something like Gastroenteritis, for years you
have no problems, and suddenly, it zapps you.
Amazing how (some) people manage to harbour their petty little grievances,
and unexpectedly, they set the ship to sail.
My bed is (yawn) calling, and I, off to join sleeping beauty, hopefully I won,t
wake up with a green eyeball to match the red one, as Mr. CC is a restless
snoozer tonight.
There will be a Part 2 on this tale (or is it tail?) YAAAAAWN!
It,s 2am, and I,m signing off, why did this take so long to write?
A couple of pit-stops to the kitchen for nourishment inbetween intervals,
was the reason.
I can only hope, after all those munchies, I have not invited the Gastro Invaders.


At 7:10 AM, Blogger Katt said...

Wow, as crummy as this sounds, it's nice to know that a bundle of energy like you has off days too. Thinking of you.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Thinking of you my friend. Hope you managed to grab some ZZZZ's before donning your armour to do battle. Of course women can wear armour, we are not ALL a bunch of sissies and fold when adversity rears it's ugly head. some of us are warriors, think of Zena, or Wonder woman!

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Katt: Ja, but only one off day
is allowed here, my little oil
lamp isn,t completely dry - yet.

Keews, that worries me a bit,
I could change into a raging
bull wearing a steel studded

At 10:39 AM, Blogger steve said...

I hope you find your stuff but not to worry just write more! and do you know I was up 2 hours after you went to bed getting ready to go work

try them again


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