
Donnerstag, Juni 08, 2006

I,m Jinxed?

Ever since I,ve started blogging a week ago, strange things have happened.
About 7weeks ago we invested in a new computer - - The New Easy Web, so new, it,s not even
available in France (I,ve been told)
The Easy Web has a guarantee of not entertaining a virus of any kind.
Strangely enough when we wanted to download a few pics -- the humorous kind, for a good laugh -- we
were told "You run the risk of getting a virus," HUH?!
On numerous occasions my sent mail simply disappeared, which meant I had to check with family and
friends if they,ve received the good mails. The mail found it,s way to the good people, but I have no
feed-back on my side. Untill this day, no-one can explain that mystery.
Then there was more Drama when I decided to blog *Battle of the Blog*.
When I got the "hang" of it, and selfconfidence got the better of me, decided "Enough fun for
her, we,ll create some technical problems."
Here I sat with my hands in my hair, desperate to blog my story, and they,ve got troubles on the horizon.
24Hrs later when all problems was supposed to be "yesterday`s snow (Swiss saying), I couldn,t get
into my comment box.
What about the disappearance of personal pics on my blog?
With the next attempt, 2 out of 3 pics we upload - - mysteriously vanished!
Yesterday I had secret plans up my sleeve how I was going to outsmart this little company of
and Blogging.
But the B. Company had plans of their own.
I developed a Mega Migraine (conspiracy between those two) which chained me to my bed for the
best part of the day, and the Medication I swallowed, dragged me into the Dark Dungeons filled with
At 7pm I was headache free, but the Zombies enjoyed their stay.
Nevertheless, I decided to visit Bloggerland, but the fun was short lived.
I,ve heard people say "Beware when your Monitor goes black," -- there,s trouble ahead!!
But whilst I was busy, the computer screen turned a whiter shade of pale!!!
Until this problem is solved, I,m grateful for my ol`faithful standby computer.
Beware of New Stuff -- I think it could be JINXED!!!!


At 7:12 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

You sure are having major pains in the *patootie* with blogging. I sure hope it settles down for you soon.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Keewee: Papootie? LOL!
I like that one, is it NZ?

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

No it is not NZ. I heard it on TV and thought is hilarious. Better than saying *arse* which I still choke over, I think that has something to do with my parents, we never were allowed to swear when we were kids.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger steve said...

I hope it gets better but for the last few days I am having problems with blogger and posting comments I hope it sorts it's self out

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Katt said...

Just by the way, I might be saying something you already know here but if you make template changes on Blogger, you have to republish your index.


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