
Freitag, Juni 09, 2006

Isn,t it Ironic!

When you wait in the Supermarket queue with only two items in your basket,
only to find someone ahead of you with 20items, and his wife sneaks in front of you with her 30items more!
When you need a withdrawal from the Bank Cash Machine, and it shows the sign "OUT OF ORDER"
When you enter the Supermarket and find the store in total chaos, because they,ve decided to renovate!
When you,re in a slight hurry, and most Shoppers have all the time in the world ----- blocking the
narrow lanes with trolleys and social gatherings, and my "Please excuse me," fall on deaf ears!
And isn,t it ironic, when there,s a suicidal traffic jam, and all I want is to cross to the other side!
This has nothing to do with the Song.............. it happened to me this morning ---- cross my heart!


At 2:52 AM, Blogger steve said...

now that sounds just like what happens to me, but I have been lucky lately

At 7:47 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Geez! it,s bedlam here at times,
when you don,t need it!
Pass me the luck please!


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