
Dienstag, Juni 13, 2006

The Heat is on!

I,ve just been out on the street with my dog, for her *Morning Glory* jobs.
I heard loud voices and shouting, but paid no attention because our street
is always very noisy.
Suddenly - right behind me, was a man with a very sun-tanned skin and a
short haircut, and he was ranting and raving "You cheap &%*"`# I,ll get you,
I,ve got you taped" and words came tumbling out in a torrent.
All of this was spoken in a very broken Swiss/German concoction, standing not
far away, two fair skinned men - probably the opponents, because they also
shouted abuse.
What the commotion was all about? I did not lurk long enough to find out.
My dog completed her story (thank goodness) and I was all too happy to leave
my footprints.
One thing I don,t understand - people grumble, moan and complain about the
weather, "It,s too cold, we want warmer, we want sunshine, we want we want....."
But as soon as we have warmer weather, sure as *daylite*, they will complain
again "It,s too hot, it,s too stuffy, we can,t breathe etc. etc"
With rising temps, the raging tempers will follow.
People get hot under the collar, and indulge in trivial disagreements.
I remember on pre-Xmas season, the weather was beautiful and ever so mellow -
not your typical cold December weather.
We could walk around dressed in a Jacket - not the usual fur lined coat to keep
severe snowstorms at bay.
Wearing boots was out of the question, because you,d end up flooding your
inner soles, a warm scarf could be suicidal and fingers could be permanently
weld to those leather gloves.
That was a Winter season, and it felt like the beginning of Spring time.
It was also THE topic of the year!
"It,s far too hot, how do we enjoy Xmas with so much heat, *huff and puff*
Xmas celebrations? Mostly spent at home with family! So where was the problem?
For home comfort, we have Central heating, or Cool Air Fans.
I prefer open windows for cool and fresh air (no risk in getting a funny looking
eyeball from that, hehehe!)

When we drove home from our trip to Zürich, I,ve noticed the change in motorists.
Ok! They,re cockey on the road at the best of times, but as soon as the heat
is on ----------- IRRITABILITY RULES!

In a short while, I,ll be on my way to the Hairdresser for that *million dollar* look,
any tips on where to buy that one??
I,m in dire need of a Cut & Blow & Go!!
Not only do I resemble the *Bride of Frankenstein* - - what will I do if he finds me?!!
So, on that hair raising note, I,ll be over and out:


At 3:54 AM, Blogger Katt said...

I thought SA was weird, especially farmers. When it is warm and sunny they all yell "DROUGHT." And then the rain does come they all complain about "FLOODS" and "Dying Livestock." Go figure!

At 7:33 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

When it is *gloomy* here, the faces and moods, of the folks resemble the weather, the sun comes out and MOST people are smiling again. Of course there are always people who are gloomy all the time, no matter what.

At 12:42 PM, Blogger steve said...

this is odd because this morning I saw a man staggering on the footpath this was 5.40am with a can of beer in his hand he was by the over pass on the M5 He stopped as I drove past and then in the middle of the path took a pee, really odd behaviour for that time of the day


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