
Dienstag, Dezember 11, 2007

Gincoleaves are falling down.........!

If anyone had a camera handy yesterday morning, this is exactly what

I was doing - but I was doing this in the safety of my own home.

We have a very small threshold that seperates the livingroom from

the entrance hall, and another silly little step that leads from the hallway

into the bedroom.

Whatever the purpose of these silly things, is still a puzzle to me, but

after what had happened to me early yesterday morning, I am

convinced that these blistering things are placed into the floor

just for people to trip over.

I had just finished drinking my second cup of morning coffee, when it


When I got up from the table and walked over to the bathroom, I tripped,

and made a bee-line straight down to the floor.

I must have hooked onto the threshold, still wearing slippers on my feet,

but the strangest part of the fall - was how I saw it.

Honost to goodness I was not under the influence of alcohol (8.20pm will

be an absolute disgrace, I dare say)

From some dizzy height I was looking down at myself, all in slow motion,

saw the floor coming closer and closer - and came back to reality the moment

I hit the hard floor!

Somehow I tried to ease the fall by holding out my arms and hands

in front of me. (I was going to hit the floor in any case, so that stunt wasn't

going to make any difference)

Moments laterI felt the pain.

My main worry and thoughts were "I must've broken my legg!"

I reached the floor like a ton of bricks (what an awful sound)

The poor ol' legg looks like I've been to some crazy tatto artist, my

hip is bruised and changing colours like a camelion, but apart

from beeing battered and bruised - NADA is broken!

The part that suffered most, was my left wrist, and by midday I was

in such agony (besides the fact that I couldn't do anything ) I was con-

vinced I was going to pay a visit to the emergency hospital and have

the wrist x-rayed.

But, here I am, all bright eyed and bushy tailed, (tail looked darn

awful yesterday) typing my story away.

Perhaps I have become a little paranoid about the Christmas season, be-

cause last year at exactly this time my husband Mr. CC was lying in the

Intensive care unit.

That would have been a piece of cake if a broken or sprained wrist was

the cause ! !

So please everyone, watch out for thresholds and hidden obsticles in

and around your homes! ! !


At 9:34 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Goodness my friend, I am sorry for your mishap, hope you are feeling better soon.

At 3:01 PM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

I too, have experienced the slow motion effect you mentioned when falling. It's a very odd feeling for sure. It's amazing how your brain can register things so quickly, but your body can not respond. I hope your feeling better!

At 6:08 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Thanks for asking Girls, apart from a few ouchies here & there, I'm still feeling lucky not to be on crutches, LOL!


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