
Samstag, Dezember 08, 2007

Another Spitting Plus for Africa.

A newly discovered giant spitting Cobra , meauring nearly 9 feet
and carrying enough venom to kill at least 15 people is seen in
this picture released by WILDLIFE DIRECT December 7, 2007.
Wildlife Direct, a conservation group, said the Cobras were the world's
largest and had been identified as unique.
The species has been named Naja Ashei after James Ashe, who
founded Bio-ken snake farm on KENYA'S tropical coast where the
gigantic serpents are found.

It is known whenever the Cobra or Rinkhals rears up, he will

aim straight at your face when he does his "spitting bit" and some

species can "spit" up to 3 metres, the poison is ejected in a spray

and the chances of you NOT getting the deadly poison in your eyes are


I dread to think what kind of tricks this new found beauty has up

his "sleeves!"


At 10:48 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

I wonder if he rears up more than 5 feet, in which case he will miss my eyes. This from a 5'tall, lady who hates large,snakes * chuckle*
Truth be known, I do not intend on being anywhere near a snake like this one.

At 11:02 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Keewee, I must just get the whiff that this guy is lurking somewhere on my way, I'll change my route. LOL!


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