
Dienstag, Dezember 04, 2007

A little shopping down South?

While we were in South Africa, my Son took a week's leave so

that he could show us around, and naturally the womenfolk (Girl-

child and myself) wanted to see all the new changes and the shopping

areas of the City where we once lived.

As all you Ladies will agree with me, shopping isn't

exactly a man's kind of thing, but somehow we managed to "sprint"

through one or two large Malls situated in the Randburg and

Sandton Area.

The following week I made up for lost shopping time and my good

friend took us to a Mall called CLEAR WATER.

What caught my eye was this "plant" known as the BITTER ALOE

but if you'll take a closer look, you will see that all the "leaves" are made

from tiny green beads.
Later that day my friend took us to the all familiar Shopping Centre

in Randburg called the HYPERAMA.

In the past year I've been complaining about foodstuff which is un-

known here in Switzerland - so just to give you all an idea of what I'd

call a Supermarket, I simply had to take a picture of this foodstore, and

there's plenty more to this picture, but I couldn't get it all onto the pic.

Clearwater Mall is where I bought most of my souvenirs that has now

gone with the wind when my luggage was broken into.

Here is a picture of the NELSEN MANDELA SQUARE, here again

lots to see and lots to buy (if your money bag) allows.

On the far left hand side my Son is seen, having a chat on his

Mobile phone.

This picture of Nelson Mandela was quite impressive, the

statue is situated outside the Mall surrounded by Restaurants,

Office blocks and the Michaelangelo Hotel, for more info and fabulous


At 9:07 AM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

YAHOO!!! Let's go shopping!!! That appears to be a very large mall and the supermarket looks very interesting a huge! Great pics.


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