
Samstag, April 14, 2007

Spring is in the air...!

Why stay indoors when the sky is so blue, the sun shines brightly
and the air is filled with the sweet smell of Spring flowers ?
We decided to take a stroll downtown later this morning, and as the
fleemarket is situated not very far from where we stay, we headed
straight on through the mingling crowd.
After an hour of strolling along the various stalls and weaving our
way through the overcrowded marketplace, we crossed the road and
took another direction through town, but I couldn't resist taking a pic-
ture of the trees dressed in their brand new Spring outfit.
A little further down the road we came across this rose bush and
again I stopped to take a picture. I don't know what kind of
roses these are, but believe me, they are as large as side plates. Do
click on the picture, maybe you'll see what I mean.

We walked downhill through the Old City. Many of these old
buildings date back as far as 1628, some are even older. Note the
RATHAUS city hall in the far background - the red tower building.

Walking down the narrow alleyways heading towards the busy town.

Almost at the end of the walk through the old city, we
found a small Florist's Shop - out of the dark and into the light
awaits the hustle and bustle of the city.

When we arrived downtown, it was surprisingly quiet and not as
crowded as usual, I do believe the
fleemarket and the pleasant warm weather has done the trick of
"robbing" the town of it's shoppers - indeed a welcome change to
browze and shop in all peace and quiet.


At 3:08 AM, Blogger Sigma said...

Wonderful post! And nice pics too....

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Neoma said...

I love the scenery, so unique from what you would find anywhere here. And you truly are having some beautiful weather. We are having cold and rain today, but that is okay, I love the rain, and so do the flowers.

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Neoma said...

My word Ginco, your building are older than our country. I would love to see them in person......I love history and the fact that things can survive for so long if treated well.

At 7:33 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

I am so glad to see your posts. I love to see those wonderful pictures of the very old buildings. If only the walls could talk.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said...

I Love going on these walks with you! THanks!

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Norma said...

Lovely photos. Our spring is very cool and late this year, but I'm trying to get out anyway.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

What a lovely place, I'd willingly swap here for there. By the way, the roses are the world famous 'Dinner Plate' strain LOL.


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