
Mittwoch, Mai 16, 2007

You don't want to...............!

In our town there are trams going everywhere, and what I
appreciate most of all is the fact that we don't have to wait very
long for one to arrive.
If you happen to miss a tram, no problem, the next one's already on it's
What really frightens the living daylights outta me is the way our town
folk will run at breakneck speed not to miss the tram, and often
enough we will see on tv or read in the newspaper that yet another
person - young or old - was knocked down, dragged along by
the tram, and died due to his/her hasty behaviour.
As we're having a public holiday tomorrow, I have decided to
take a walk downtown for a little shopping spree.
When I left home this morning the weather was nice and mellow, but later
it turned out a little weepy, and as I didn't have my brolly with me, I decided
to let the tram take me home.(( The picture shows the exact spot where I
will get the "car" to take me home, this is also the spot where the accident
I paid for my tram ticket and stood waiting, I was in luck because the N° 3
was heading my way. Seconds before the tram stopped, a young woman
comes running across the street, about 1 meter away from where I was
standing, she tripped on the road and she went down!!
The tram driver slammed the brakes on - but there's no stopping
such a huge green monster in good time, and the woman was al-
ready lying on the ground.
People were yelling and screaming with fright and panic!.
At that moment I think I must have turned to stone.
I kept on mumbling "Oh my God no, oh my God no!"
The young woman was lying motionless under the tram!
That's when I took flight
I received a bolt of energy and started running up this hill, all I wanted
to do was get away from the terrible accident.
When I came to a halt at the top of the steep hill, I was crying shamelessly!
Luckily I came across a water fountain (one of many in our town) where
I could revive myself, I was in a shocking state and was desperate to get
myself together again.


At 9:17 PM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

Oh my goodness ginco...what a frightening story and what a day you had. Sometimes people just don't seem to have any common sense. I hope you are okay after that tramatic scene! Hostagirl

At 4:58 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

I'm feeling much better today thanks Hostagirl. Yesterday was bad, I would break down and cry for no apparent reason. I doubt, I'll ever forget that sight.

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That's terrible, and it seems worse in such lovely surroundings. That will stay with you a long time.

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Sigma said...

Oh my God! This is terrible! What a fright it must have given you.
I once witnessed an accident and was shaken for days afterwards.

At 11:44 PM, Blogger Phyllis said...

Oh my gosh, how frightening! Did she die? I'm sorry you witnessed that. That poor driver!! (being a transit driver, I have always feared a child running out and falling under the bus when I pull in to a stop).

Ummmm, what is a brolly?

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Tom: These horrid accidents happen all the time - 2 weeks ago a 70year old citizen was also knocked down and killed by a tram, but I hope this was my first and last experience to witness something as spine chilling!

Sigma: I don't mind helping anyone who gets hurt on the street, but whatever can one do when someone lies under a tram? The minute I felt life coming back into my legs, I just ran away out of fear of what I might see!!

Phyllis: I really don't know, I've scanned every newspaper so far, but found nothing. I honostly hope she's alive! I wouldn't like to be a tram driver because when this sort of accident happens, they are so messed up, they have to see a phsychologist for help!
A brolly is the British version of an umbrella LOL!

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

What a horrible thing to have witnessed, I would have run too.
I am glad to read you are feeling better today.

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Neoma said...

I have seen a few accidents firsthand, and I know that feeling.........fear.

I started off reading the post thinking, I love trams, ended up thinking, maybe it is a good thing we don't have them, I think we would lose a lot of joggers running down the street with earbuds in their ears, not paying attention to anything or anyone.

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Norma said...

In our towns/cities if we had public transportation (most don't) and someone were killed, there would be so many law suits that soon there would be no public transportation.

At 2:58 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Keewee: That was indeed a bad ending to a lovely trip into town.

Nea: The kids are completely unaware of the dangers on the road, they only have ears for their music, and not the urgent ringing of the Tram bell. Just before Xmas last year a 17 year old girl was killed like that. Can you imagine the heartache of the parents????

Norma: Here everyone relies on the public transport, and the Tram/Bus drivers have deadline pressures - like everything in life today, it's just "Hurry hurry!" If people could just slow down a little, and not run like a Renegade to get to the tram, accidents like these should not happen!
But believe me, if there ever was a war, here would be a "Mother of a war" in a neutral Switzerland, if public transportation was to be taken away! :-))


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