
Samstag, Februar 17, 2007

My Computer was Luckier !

I'm sure many bloggers and many others who sit in front of the
computer all day long, have experienced feelings of anger and
frustration, especially when nothing seems to work anymore, and
I'm sure everyone, (or at least some of us) would have loved to do just
what the picture shows - I'll be quite honost, so did I !!

Besides feeling angry and frustrated I was convinced - at the rate I was going,

never to sit in front of one again.

Because of the new modem we bought a few months ago, the Dell

had to be configurated, which has now been done, but why "she" allowed me

online at times, is still a mystery to me.

I cannot download pics on the "Old Faithful" so I was desperately waiting

for the other computer to be fixed.

I am not going to bore you all with the details about the problems we've

had and the various answers we've received about what the problem could be.

In the end, it was Mr. CC who saved the day by "fixing" it.

"Why ever did it take you so long?" I can hear you asking.

Believe me, the days were hectic and tiring and we've been too involved in far

more serious matters - although my computer would have helped me get

my mind off a lot of unpleasant matters.

Under the circumstances Mr. CC is fine and doing well, but I promise to write

about this unfortunate matter at a later stage - I'm still finding it extremely hard to

go into detail about the disaster which struck shortly before Christmas.

I just want to THANK YOU all again for your very kind words and all your

warm & well wishes - you guys have all been so great, and it means a

lot to me !!!!

So, with the computer behaving itself, I have no excuse to be back on the blog again

although I must admit, It feels like I'm all thumbs and no fingers - quite out of touch,

but if a typist gone "rusty" makes a come-back - so will I!!!!!!!!!


At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonym said...

It is so good to see you back again Ginco, you have been missed. I am glad to hear that your husband is doing better and I hope his health will continue to improve.

At 11:37 PM, Blogger steve said...

It's good to see you back and I do hope you "both" keep as well as you can.
computers are ok when they are going right its a pity we just can't give them a tablet and all would be well.

At 1:15 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Ginco,glad that Mr. CC is feeling better, i just hope he wont relapse when you run off to meet me in Brighton lol.

At 3:58 AM, Blogger Tina Dray said...

good to hear your getting everything sorted look forward to your future posts
glad to here hubby is on the mend take care ginco!

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Alan said...

Hey - good to see you back again. Glad things are good with you.

At 2:17 PM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

I am so glad to see you posting again and very happy to hear the MrCC is feeling so much better.

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said...

I cant seem to get the comments to post. Let me try again. I have been reading, really I have, just cant post anonymously

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said...

whoot! It worked!! Now you can see me again.

At 2:17 AM, Blogger Neoma said...

Hi Ginco, I have been thinking of you, and wondering if all is well, or at least a little better. We all have this whole thing called life that goes on in the background. And some things are just hard to talk about in here, since you never know who will read it, nor what they might respond. I guess I am just a very private person in some regards, so I can certainly appreciate others not going into details about everything. But I was glad to know that Mr. CC is better. I know that right around Christmas you had quite a scare.


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