
Dienstag, August 08, 2006

The Time and the Rules are Wrong.

There are many sun dials to be seen in Europe, some can be seen
in the shape of a birdbath.
I have often wondered how could people read the time, without
the sun - even though the sun was shining brightly when I
took this pic, the time was incorrect.
I took a shot of this at about 13.30, and the sundial says
I,m pleased to live in this day and age, because this clock is
telling lies!!
Most of these pretties are hidden away in the many parks
but we are not allowed into any park in Switzerland, when I
say we, I mean my dog, even though I keep her on the leash.
What really grieves me is the fact that the park gates are wide
open to junkies and drunks.
The junkies leave their used needles lying around, and the
boozers smash their alcohol bottles and leave it scattered all
over the green lawn in the park.
As you all know, a park is THE playground for children.
Not only do they see the goings on, but they can get seriously
injured by the broken glass pieces lying around, not even to
mention what can happen when a child steps into a deadly needle!
There was a case only last year about a toddler playing
in a park, and stepped right into a dirty needle.
This babe is only 2 years old, and the Doctors said they
can do the HIV test ONLY when the child is about
4 or 5 years old - MADNESS!
We as parents can just imagine the anxiety and
living nightmare the parents of that little child
will be suffering EVERY DAY, FOR THE NEXT 3 YEARS!
Need I say how angry and confused I am about the
non-sensical rules of a stupid and merry mixed up government.


At 12:43 PM, Blogger steve said...

yes it's sad but very true the rules are all wrong and the law protects the criminal

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Kev Brown said...

We have the same sad issues up our way.

I would like a birdbath in our garden but we have a cat who would see it as a dinner table.

At 12:24 AM, Blogger Katt said...

Wow, talk about getting their priorities wrong! That makes no sense at all. And I thought the Swiss were so clued up. I share in your confusion.

At 3:04 AM, Blogger Bazza said...

Would it be fair to say that this problem didn't exist 10 or 20 years ago? If so, what will it be like in 10 to 20 years time? Be afraid, be very afraid.

At 8:11 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Do you have any of those enclosed *doggy parks* where you can let your dog off it's leash to run and play with the other dogs? We have on within walking distance.

At 8:48 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Steve: Life is exciting in a world of crime!!

Kevin: Give her the pleasure of a birdbath, but display plastic birdies only, LOL!!

Katt: Confucius says "Swiss only know chocolate and cheese"

Bazza: As Steve says, "The law protects the criminal"

Keewee: That sounds great - none here I,m afraid.


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