
Donnerstag, August 03, 2006

It's raining, it's pouring, and the old man is drunk!

Day two, and blogger is still behaving like a DEMON!
When I woke up this morning, the rain was
pouring down - what a relief!! Our temps have
taken a nose dive to 17°C.
We experienced a long and tedious Winter, and
all we wanted was to enjoy the Summer sun, but
instead we suffered another Blazing Inferno!
Yesterday I received news from SA, and I was told
it's snowing in Johannesburg. What's going on?!!
Perhaps our weather provider ol' Petrus is tilting
the bottle again!
"Hey Petrus, go easy on the Schnapps, rather stick to
the orange juice my good man, things are pretty messed
up down here!"
When the rain subsided I took Madame Pooch outside
so she could complete her morning duties, and what
do I see? Lo and behold!
People donned their artic winter woolies.
Men stepping out in full length rain coats.
Ladies freed their Suede coats from stinky
mothballs, to feel snug and warm again.
Girls and Guys were wearing warm jerseys, buttoned
up to the point of suffocation!
Autumn boots made the GRANDE ENTRE!
I,m not in favour of the Dribbles, Sniffles and
the Sneezes, but fashion and weather wise that's
going a little too far, and I don,t believe in provoking
Father Frost's gray mood.
Winter will be back!
Could this be the end of our Summer??


At 4:08 PM, Blogger Katt said...

Ginco, you have no idea the hell we have been through here in SA over the last two days.

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

The weather has been weird here in USA too. One day we are in a tee shirt, the next we are wearing a warm jacket.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger steve said...

you will be ok it is going to warm up again ,,,,,,,,,,,,I hope!!!!!

At 7:52 AM, Blogger Bazza said...

I'm with Steve, less of the doom and gloom please. Another month of lovely sunshine at least.

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Katt and keewee: I don,t know
what's going on, but the weather's
acting ga-ga weird!

Steve and bazza: Hey guys, the
Winter's long enough, I,m hoping
for a few more sun rays myself!!


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