
Sonntag, August 06, 2006

Zombie Reunion

With a swarm of Zombies by my side, I
wandered through secret doors of the putrid
smelling dungeons, leaving a trail of mucous
and slime wherever we roamed!
My *ever so nasty friend* the Migrain pain, decided
it was time for another unexpected and uninvited
visit - to spend some quality time together with me!
Instead of practising the traditional Shamanic
Medicine, I insisted on the *tried and trusted*
Meds from the local Chemist, which always leaves
me feeling and behaving like the *walking dead*!
Nevertheless, I have been released from the chains
of the Zombie clan, and feeling up to my old self again.


At 8:03 AM, Blogger Phyllis said...

YUCK! Have a bad day, did you?
HAHAHAHA Hope you're feeling better!

At 8:31 AM, Blogger Kev Brown said...

Most of my working day is spent in a zombie like state, it's amazing how it clears up when I get home though, lol. Glad your feeling better.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Phyllis and Kevin: I thank you
both! I am glad to be back in the
land of the living again, LOL!!


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