
Samstag, August 19, 2006

Help! What is This?

Here is a picture of something I took at the Rehabilitation Centre
today, but for the life of me I don't know exactly what
it is.
At first I thought it looked like a bee-hive (but bee-hives
don't look like that??)
I searched for at least one buzy bee - but non in sight!
Is there anyone who can help solve the mystery?
I would appreciate any ideas on this, because the
curiosity is getting the better of me.
Click on the picture for a larger version - PLEASE!


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Phyllis said...

Well it sure looks like a fancy bee hive condo to me!!

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Bazza said...

I've got a feeling (but you don't need to know that!) I think it's a contraption to attract all sorts of insects, my mother has something similiar in her garden.

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Tina Dray said...

I'm with you i think its a modern bee hive kind of thing probably bought at ikea.
Hope you have a good birthday and get lots of exciting shopping with your new bag.

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Kev Brown said...

I think it's for Ladybirds.

At 10:39 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Phyllis: No wonder there were no
bees to be seen, those condo's
are far too expensive!

Bazza: I get the strangest feel-
ing you know more about this, but not telling!

Tina: Again you're onto something here, I must get back to Ikea to
check the price of those hives.
Thanks for the wishes, I will
enjoy my odour free bag, Haahaha!

Kevin: Hey, futuristic ladybird

At 10:01 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said...

It looks like a birdhouse full of seed pods of some sort, but why in the housey thing?

At 3:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi gincoleaves, those things are definitely for Ladybirds although I guess other insects can use them. I'm still waiting to be put back on broadband and should be back by 4/9. Using dial-up is horrendous. Chat to you soon

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Bibi said...

I've looked at this every way, but it looks like a regular, multi-storey bird house to me (?)


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