
Samstag, Juni 17, 2006

Smiley Day.

It,s always a treat for me whenever we go to Germany, a proper boost to see so
many smiling faces, nothing,s ever too much to ask.
Due to the poor economy of the country, and millions of unemployed people
one will always see beggers on the street.
A young man huddled in a corner, with only his dog as a constant companion,
and clutching a cardboard in both hands, pleading to the public for help, Oh!
I can,t walk on whenever I see that.
One day I saw a woman sitting outside a Dept. Store, she looked very neglected,
about 100 yrs old and her complexion was a deadly pale.
If I didn,t stop and slip a couple of Euros in her hand, I could not have slept peacefully
that night.

So today, once again we took the trip to germany.
Food Stores galore, and lanes filled with yummy goodies to make everyone
The sun was extremely hot, and the shops and Malls weren,t overcrowded
at all, just nice to browze and enjoy in a laid back fashion.
The friendliness is almost uncanny.
We parked the car and strolled up the shopping mile, we walked into the first shop,
I chose a few personal items, and a shop assistant came rushing over to help
me, and on our way to pay the goods, she said goodbye and wished us a
nice day ----- all of that in a well spoken English, with a slight German accent.

After that we made our way over to one of the new Malls which opened about
4 weeks ago.
Before entering the Mall, we saw a variety of activities, such as games for the
kids, a Charity Stall, and that,s when I spotted the homemade cakes and tarts
sitting on a long table, looking ever so pretty and inviting.
I stopped, looked and drooled, because at that stage hunger pains were getting
the better of me.
I decided to behave myself and move AWAY, when I caught sight of a woman on the
other side of the cake table, flashing a broad smile my way ---- just for me!
I never realized I could look THAT hungry!?
Those tarts have done the damage by merely LOOKING!
So we strolled into a little cozy Bakery Coffee Bar, for something to eat.
I saw something similar to a Pita bread sandwich, with a yummy filling,
not sure what was inside, I asked, and there again --- very friendly and with a
dazzling smile, I was told it is filled with cooked Turkey, mixed with finely
grated carrot, radish, lettuce and mayonnaise salad, "Ja das ist sehr lekker und gut!"
Good and wholesome!
What more can I say?
We had a Smiley Good Day.


At 1:51 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said...

I did not realize the economy in Germany was that bad!! I thought it was much better than that!

I'll bet the food was fantastic though!

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Ginco said...

Mary-Lou, it,s in a pretty bad state over there, Germany is known as the "poor uncle of Europe" and
millions of people are suffering.

The food is out of this world,
and so much to choose from!!

At 11:29 PM, Blogger steve said...

Sie sind gehen leicht zu anderem Land so leicht sehr glücklich.
wir sind auf einer Insel und gehaftet mit ihr
Ich bin Sie hatte einen schönen smily Tag froh.
but beware of the beggars some of them do it for a living and after sitting there all day drive off in a big car parked around the corner

At 9:10 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Steve, you won,t be tongue tired
when you visit Germany one day!
Where did you learn that?

At 11:12 AM, Blogger steve said...

I won't be a kidder here I do know some german I was taught at school and my dad was fluent but he learned that during the war as a guest of the german army
I can get along but I used a translater


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