
Sonntag, September 02, 2007

Yahoo! It's Pumpkin time again

It's that time of year again - pumpkin season!
So off we go to the Pumpkin Paradise to bring home a few of
life's goodness.
Strange as it may seem, but the Swiss folk don't show much
interest in the pumpkins in the supermarket - which is a rare sight
on the fruit and veggie shelves in the stores.
For some reason they believe it tastes better when bought at
the Pumpkin Paradise, and I've notice that the Swiss folk don't
know so rightly how to prepare the good pumpkin.
Pumpkin soup is a great favorite, but a cooked slice, not so much! The flower fields were a lot more popular than the pumpkins
today, I think it's great to be able to walk through here, select
the flowers of your choice, and cut as many as you like, then pay the
lady standing at the front entrance to the fields.

This was a very peaceful scenery of a couple of horse riders trotting
along the many many cherry trees.

Fuji was very keen to be free of her leash so she could run and
explore the area. We came across a field of pumpkins which didn't
look very exciting, 'cause the leaves looked all gooey and messy, but
what caught my eye was the colour of these pumpkins - could it be a
pumpkin of a different kind? They're all grey! !
Another favorite among the Swiss people are the decorative pump-
kins - perhaps this is what was growing here.

To my delight I discovered a baby pumpkin - still in diapers (nappies)
Snigger snigger! Poor thing's still got a long way to go (grow)

This is such a pretty place to visit, and if you have the time, you could
stop and collect a couple of wallnuts along the way.
This here is a picture of the city lying right behind us, and I couldn't re-
sist taking the pic - over the mountains in the far background, lies
So, now I guess you all know what we'll be munching for the next couple
of weeks - PUMPKINS GALORE! ! !


At 2:55 PM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

Wonderful pictures of such a fun adventures! I haven't found any pumpkin patches here in Montana but I am sure the local veggie market will have some later in the month! Our growing season is so short I wonder if they truck them in from California? Enjoy that pumpking!!

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

A favorite of ours is pumpkin pie smothered in whipped cream.
I also enjoy roasted pumpkin.
Thank you for the lovely pictures.


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