
Donnerstag, März 15, 2007

Too much of a good thing ? !

This is a story I read in our local newspaper about a 7 year
old girl living in Chicago and weighs 222kg.
This child eats 15 *Happy meals* a day ( we all know where to
find those meals) and drinks 5 litre Cola daily.
When she was only 4 years old she already weighed over
Due to obesity she can only scoop her body across the floor,
struggling to breathe even when she tries to get out of a chair, and
she's constantly asking for food.
Doctors have now ordered her into a pediatric hospital where
she was put on a strict diet to loose weight.
Spoiling a child by treating him/her to the occasional *Happy
meal* treat is one thing, but how can a parent watch her own
child practically eat him/herself to death ?


At 1:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

That really is tragic. the parents should be locked up. It took me 60 years to pile my weight on, she won't see 10 at that rate

At 7:56 AM, Blogger mistaya's M.O.M. said...

Yes, this is terrible. This poor child will struggle with a weight issue the rest of her life,,,if she makes it through her present weight issue!

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

I really feel, this is another case of CHILD ABUSE.Why can't the parents SEE what they are doing to their child. It is so sad.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said...

I dont know if this comment will go through...none of them so far havent.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said...


so has anyone seen what the MOTHER looks like?

At 12:50 PM, Blogger gert said...

what I need to read about today. I think this is an excellent reason for people to learn (like you and me) to stop fearing the big stacks... and to stop bullying the small stacks. It was quite useful reading, found some interesting thoughts, - Thanks!
You find my Website Here

At 11:46 PM, Blogger Neoma said...

Isn't it strange how to some people feeding is the same as loving, they will literally feed you to death. Parents of obese kids will use every excuse in the book to justify their behavior. I have five kids, two have a tendency to gain weight, I know for a fact it is hard to put a child on a diet, but you have to......


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