
Dienstag, Juli 18, 2006

Daylite Robbery

I had one hour left before I picked my
children up from school.
It was just another scorching hot day, so
driving with open windows was my best
option.I parked the car, made sure all the
windows were closed and dashed into the Mall.

The idea was to give them both a sweet treat
after lunch.
Somewhere in the Mall was the most delight-
ful Bakery shop, with mouthwatering little
cakes and tarts to choose from.
Time was flying, and only a 1/2 hour left before
school ends.

I made my KILL in the Bakery, and hurried back
to the car.

The heat was rising, and before driving off, I
opened both front windows - once again

A pit stop at the fruit shoppe, and I would
fetch the children.

I REMEMBER seeing the candy striped cake box sit-
ting on the seat next to me, just waiting to be
devoured by little mouths.
I closed my window, locked the car and sprinted
into the fruit shop.

I REMEMBER thinking "I must hurry back before
these cakes start walking by themselves" The heat
was incredible!

I FORGOT to close the other window - where the
cakes were still sitting tight!

As I got out of the car, I REMEMBER seeing a row
of coloured kids hunched against the wall next to
the fruit shop.
I spent - nothing more than a few minutes away.

In the meantime - still unknown to me - the
candy striped cake box, plus the cream cakes,
made the Houdini act!!

As I unlocked the car, I turned around, saw the
row of kids still sitting against the wall, and
laughing uncontrollably.
Once again I opened my window, and that's
when it hit me like a light-ning bolt!

The pretty little cake box - no longer graced the
seat next to me.


My cakes were GONE - NICKED
SWIPED, from right under my nose, in a
matter of minutes!!

This happened to me in South Africa, many full
moons ago, and many candy striped cake
boxes later!


At 6:08 AM, Blogger Katt said...

I was about to ask you if you had moved back to SA and not told me about it.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Those little stinkers, obviously not taught that stealing is wrong. How things have changed from *the old days*

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Katt: When there's a sudden
black out in good ol' SA, you,ll
know who's in town! LOL!

keewee: Even if they were taught
not to, what counts is the
thrill of the moment.


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