
Mittwoch, Juli 12, 2006

A Bird's Eye View.

"At long last I get a chance to show myself, Trllll, tweeet!
I,m a smooth faced, long legged snow white canary, but
let,s not talk about snow here, I come from the
Fiji Islands -- Canary Islands?? Oh, whatever!
You wanna see a natural -- have a closer look, Trlll tweet tweet!
They call me Yogurt, and I,m full of the joys of Spring (that
also includes Winter) Tweet tweet tweet! Baby, do I sing! Trrrr.
I,m the best yodeller this side of the Swiss Alps, and my
popularity in the neighborhood is ever increasing (but, some
humans just can,t appreciate a good looney tune) Tweeeet!

Tweet tweet tweet!!
I tawt I taw a puddy tat!!!
No, it,s not the cat, it,s only that troublesome busy-body,
that annoying lump of dogbones, tweeet!
Always in the thick o' things, and loves to be the
centre of the main attraction, Tweet tweet tweet!!

Well, I guess my little show is over, but as you see my
help is needed here, and because
I,m as fast as Speedy Consalez in his line of work,
I will complete my blog story for the day, and on that note, it,s
time for me to fly."

THAT'S ALL FOLKS!!!! Tweet tweet Trlllll.


At 5:01 AM, Blogger Katt said...

Oh cool! A new character to the GingcoLeaves blog.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ah bless, what a little sweetheart.

At 3:00 PM, Blogger TheTart said...

Too cute. Your tweety lil helper!!!

The Tart
; )

At 8:43 PM, Blogger Mary Lou said...

I can only assume that you are not the proud owner of a feline? :)

I would LOVe to have a bird, but with my 4 cats......


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