
Montag, Juli 10, 2006


What a World cup final!
The Italians went totally mad last night after the
final game, and winning the world cup.

They came zooming down our street in cars and on foot,
cheering singing and shouting.
The sound of car hooters were honking loudly through
the early hours of the morning.

I feel like "Death warmed up" to say the very least.

As all hell broke loose, Mr.CC was fast asleep (the man is a sound

I was feeling pretty aggravated because sleep wouldn,t find
me, and after another hot and "nice" day in the forest, I was
ready for bed. (At school we were taught not to use the
word nice unless we speak of sweeties!)

At 1am this morning, I was forced to leave the comfort
of my bed, so I staggered through the dark Apartment and
made my way to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of cold
soda water - and went out onto the balcony.

People were waving the Italian flag and at the same time
sang Italian songs in a high volume, to match any Dolby
sound system.

While I was watching from my balcony, I felt the soft
fur of Pooch brushing my leg - she was checking up on
me again!
She gave me that look "So come on, back to bed for you, you
know I can,t sleep when you,re not around."

So I followed Shorty back to the bedroom.

At 2.30am, I could still hear the noise from the street, and
somewhere between 2.30 and 2.45am, I finally fell asleep.

If you come across the figure of a Zombie slumping in your
It,s only me - a tired blogger suffering from lack of sleep!


At 12:19 AM, Blogger Katt said...

Aaaah, GincoLeaves from hell today!

At 10:03 AM, Blogger steve said...

I didn't care who won I just wanted it to end sometime, anytime, I am not a football fan at all and the TV has been rubbish.


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