
Freitag, Juni 02, 2006

Battle of the Blog.

To create a blog, should be as easy as a sneeze, but it wasn,t in my case. The idea
was to carry on as *Dragonfly*. But let me tell you the "How to create a blog"
questionnaire had news for me.

I like many or most of the creatures fluttering in gardens, from the big bright Bumble-
bees to the Stink Bug, also the interesting one who cannot fly - the Great African
Millepede, but I grew up with the African name of Chongololo.
As far back as I remember, the Dragonfly remained my favorite flying insect. Often
enough I have tried to capture it, just for a closer look, but no such luck, the dragonfly
does not allow such games!

Well, it seems like a few bloggers out there in Bloggerland , feel the same as I do
about the little creature.

The battle of it all, nearly drove me to drink, and as we don,t have anything stronger
than wine in the house, I am grateful for being saved from Alcoholism!
The following day I tried again - same rejecting story from questionnaire.
That evening my husband (I,ll call him Mr.CC) sat down in front of the PC and gave it
a try. Now let me tell you Mr.CC has the patience of a Saint. But once again, not
even his Saintly patience could move the icy heart of Mr. Questionnaire!!
At that stage I was off my chair and flat on the floor, doing the Breakdance, stomping
and crying "I just want a blog, please! just a blog!"

After many frustrating days and evenings, with a battered tail (what I got for break-
dancing) and an extreme amount of hair loss, (I could pass as the new Kojak), I de-
cided it was seriously time for Plan B.

As I,ve always been a great admirer of the GINKGO TREE, with it,s fascinating
history, I decided to use the name, only slightly twisted (just incase Mr. Question-
naire had more complaints)

In Shandong, Province of China, there is a Ginkgo tree believed to be 3,000yrs
old , and after my battle with this blog, I don,t feel any younger.


At 7:03 AM, Blogger Jennifer AKA keewee said...

I figured you were having difficulty with the name dragonfly., we had the same with keewee. There was keewee this, keewee that, and at long last we found no one was using keewee's Corner. What a bunch of hoops to jump through to have your own identity in the blogosphere.
You are now on the road to many happy hours of creativity.I will be looking forward to reading gincoleaves.

At 5:45 AM, Blogger steve said...

I like this Blog its very gentle and has some nice pictures, funnily though I had no problem with my name but who the hell would chose what I have got, I think you will enjoy doing this also, but if you ever need any help let me know I will try if I can to sort you out.
good luck and enjoy it.

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Ginco said...

Thanks again Steve!!
When I get stuck in the jam,
I,ll come calling instesd of breakdancing, haaa ha!


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