
Dienstag, Mai 30, 2006

Is the grass greener on the other side?

We are fortunate to live very close to the French Border, a 25min. drive into
the Alsace is all it takes. It,s always a lovely trip out in the country side with
endless green fields of Rape-seed. When the Rape-seed is in full bloom, it
spreads for miles and miles looking like a giant yellow carpet.
As we travel along, we pass many small villages with the traditional French
sculpted houses - old and new.
My imagination runs riot when I spot one of those old houses. I almost expect
to see Hansel and Gretel emerging - with the old witch right behind them.
All just Fairy Tales!
That old house is occupied by a real family. The owner of such an old house
would rebuild, rather than destroying it.
Then there are the Storks!! No need to search for these beautiful birds, you,re
bound to see them nesting high on rooftops, chimneys or ancient castles - for-
ever caring for their young.